发布于 2015-12-28 00:55:15 | 135 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


BlueMind 消息和协作平台

Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。

BlueMind 3.0.27 发布,此版本更新内容:

### 移动设备
- Imp: added global settings to cache (min_heartbeat & co)
- Fix: push issues when devices uses multiple ping commands
- Fix: testconnectivity.microsoft.com uses a '/' at the end of the url
- GLAG-68 Fix: keep attachments when forwarding, the phone will use a simple SendMail when attachments are removed in the composer

### Outlook 连接器
- Imp: cancel attachment if attachments total size is superior to the allowed value configured in BlueMind
- TLIB-301, TLIB-300, TCSCIT-17 Fix: set Outlook attachment size limit according to server setting to avoid breaking Outlook's send/receive

### 备份
- BM-6305 Imp: cleanup backups on DataprotectJob ending

### Active Directory/LDAP
- Fix: don't import default administrator and guest account
- Imp: AD kind must not be changed
- Imp: suffix group name imported from AD sub domains
- MDSO-444 Fix: Report error if DN not found

### Domino 迁移
- BM-6849 Fix: consider unknown email from target domain as external
- BM-6849 Fix: migrate events from external organizer
- BM-6849 Fix: the desktop UI can create "all day" multi-day events

### IMAP 代理
- AID-185 Fix: header decoding could take an exponential time
- BM-6475 Fix: Add a timeout to tika text extraction to prevent lots of temporary files when parsing a document block

### ElasticSearch 索引
- Fix: disable multicast discovery by default

### Unified communications (Xivobridge)
- BM-6613 Fix: add missing dependency


Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。

历史版本 :
BlueMind 3.0.27 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.26 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.25 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.24 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.23 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.22 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.21 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.20 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.19 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.18 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.17 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind Stable 3.0.16 发布,消息和协作平台
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