发布于 2015-03-01 23:46:57 | 141 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


BlueMind 消息和协作平台

Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。

BlueMind 3.0.19 发布,此版本是个稳定版本,现已提供下载


### Authentification
- BM-4014 Feat: login with an alias address is now possible. Caution : the domain part is now mandatory, even for a single-domain setup.
- BM-4662 Fix: bypass CAS & kerberos on /native/ to prevent redirection

### Webmail
- TLIB-215 Fix: expand distribution list in webmail composer
- WEIS-191 Fix: CC field styling
- MDSO-422 Fix: Set default webmail sort on mail arrival

### Unified communications
- BM-4457 Fix: "busy (meeting)" FR translation
- BM-4458 Fix: call forwarding deletion

### Calendrier
- BM-4708 Fix: event update is not saved
- EXA-107 Fix: erroneous reply configuration when event owner is external

### Addressbook
- BM-4747 Fix: duplicate X-BM-Ref type in imported contact

### Admin console
- BM-4659 Fix: consistency between checkbox and message for mobile device activation

### Instant Messaging
- BM-4740 Fix: display "Busy (Meeting)" user status
- BM-4632 Fix: html5 notification if only IM is active
- BM-4632 Fix: ping bm-core every 10 min
- BM-4687 Fix: handle @domain_alias default email

### Mobile devices
- ACMS-189 Fix: do not remove writable meetings (user is not the owner but has write rights) on decline.
- ADV-47 Fix: Android reply html formatting
- BM-4746 Fix: store email sent by Android in /Sent
- MDSO-415 Fix: sync last 30 days (max) when devices asks for All
- IGPP-134 Fix: set default mail

### Archivage
- MDSO-420 Fix: retain original date of message when un-archiving

### Outlook connector
- ADV-48 Fix: detection of local changes in appointments
- ADV-48 Fix: make use of reply time to detect local changes on meetings and avoid lost acceptations
- BM-4802 Fix: recurring appointment created in Outlook not synced with BlueMind
- COAX-166 Fix: reminder on past appointments
- SFL-9 Fix: connector sometimes fails to load on Outlook 2010 64 bit

### Thunderbird connector
- BM-4686 Fix: erroneous card update when removing a member from a dlist

### Migration
- Imp: exchange-migration-tool MIME format conversion
- Imp: exchange-migration-tool dlist migration: maintain link between member and contact

### IMAP Proxy
- COAX-169 Fix: cleaning the 'Deleted Items' folder with Outlook did not remove subfolders
- BM-4283 Imp: reduce the number of cyrus secondary connections
- BM-4283 Imp: reduce GC pressure

We wish you a pleasant install/upgrade!

Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。

历史版本 :
BlueMind 3.0.27 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.26 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.25 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.24 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.23 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.22 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.21 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.20 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.19 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.18 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.17 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind Stable 3.0.16 发布,消息和协作平台
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