发布于 2015-07-20 00:28:45 | 124 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


BlueMind 消息和协作平台

Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。

BlueMind 3.0.24 发布,此版本现已提供下载

### Outlook connector
- BM-5293 Fix: skip dead link member of distribution list when converting from Outlook to BlueMind
- COAX-155 Imp: synchronize more than 6 month when user try to view a range of dates never synced
-  COAX-97 Fix: load Redemption lib from install directory instead of COM  registry to avoid problem with other software downgrading the lib
- REFLEX-32 Fix: contact's email display name is not recalculated if full name change but not the email value

### Thunderbird connector
- Imp: disable lightning the first time BlueMind connector sees it
- BM-5568 Fix: workaround DH keys less than 1023-bit are no longer accepted

### Mobile devices
- ALTR-306 Fix: revert back to always utf-8. The provided test message from TLIB-245 must be wrong
- TLIB-216: allow login with an alias
- COAX-208, WEIS-208 Fix: multiple notifications of participation change

### Administration
- ALTR-276: Fix quota warning for gathering job
- Debian Jessie support

### Migration
-  Fix BM-5262 : exchange-migration-tool: re-login to imap server after  ips refused append of invalid email with "NO System I/O error"

### i18n
- Lots of improvements in Italian translation


Blue Mind 是一个 Java 开发的消息和协作平台,提供可伸缩的共享消息、日程、联系人,同时支持多个移动平台 (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.)、Outlook 和 Thunderbird。设计简单,提供面向Web服务的插件架构。

历史版本 :
BlueMind 3.0.27 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.26 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.25 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.24 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.23 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.22 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.21 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.20 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.19 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.18 发布,消息协作平台
BlueMind 3.0.17 发布,消息和协作平台
BlueMind Stable 3.0.16 发布,消息和协作平台
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