发布于 2017-09-29 00:51:10 | 129 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Tor Browser Web 浏览器

Tor Browser Bundle 是一个基于 Firefox ESR (Firefox with extended support) 的 Web 浏览器,默认配置通过 Tor 和 Vidalia 实现了个人隐私保护和匿名。该版本包括三个扩展:Torbutton, NoScript and HTTPS-Everywhere.

Tor Browser 7.0a5 发布了,除了一般的Firefox安全和扩展更新之外,这个alpha包含了很多期待已久的特性:

  1. We include Tor, the first alpha release in the 0.3.2 series, with support for next generation onion services and a new circuit scheduler, KIST.

  2. Thanks to the work of Jed Davis we are able to ship a content sandbox for Linux users. While the content sandbox is disabled in Firefox 52 ESR versions, which Tor Browser is based on, backported patches allow us to protect our Linux users with the same mechanisms that are provided to regular Firefox users.

  3. The content sandbox is enabled for Windows users as well. While we still need to clean up our workarounds to get the sandboxing code to work with our mingw-w64 compiler, we think the enabled sandbox is ready for a wider testing in our alpha series. Please give it a try if you can.

  4. Although this change should be invisible to users, we switched our build system from gitian/tor-browser-bundle to rbm/tor-browser-build. The build should continue to be reproducible and if you want to do a build yourself the README file in the tor-browser-build repository has some informations.



历史版本 :
Tor Browser 7.5a9 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 7.5a7 发布, 基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 7.0.7 和 7.5a6 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 7.5a5 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 7.0 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 7.0a4 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 7.0a3 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 6.5.2 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 6.5.1 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 6.5 发布,基于 Firefox ESR 的浏览器
Tor Browser 发布沙盒安全版,适用于 Linux
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