发布于 2017-09-11 03:57:54 | 180 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


okhttp HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包

okhttp 是一个 Java 的 HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包,同时也支持 Android。

okhttp 3.9.0 已发布,该版本包括大量 bug 修复,以及新功能,具体如下:

Version 3.9.0 2017-09-03

  • Interceptors are more capable. The Chain interface now offers access to the call and can adjust all call timeouts. Note that this change is source-incompatible for code that implements the Chain interface. We don't expect this to be a problem in practice!

  • OkHttp has an experimental new API for tracking metrics. The new EventListener API is designed to help developers monitor HTTP requests' size and duration. This feature is an unstable preview: the API is subject to change, and the implementation is incomplete. This is a big new API we are eager for feedback.

  • New: Support ALPN via Google Play Services' Dynamic Security Provider. This expands HTTP/2 support to older Android devices that have Google Play Services.

  • New: Consider all routes when looking for candidate coalesced connections. This increases the likelihood that HTTP/2 connections will be shared.

  • New: Authentication challenges and credentials now use a charset. Use this in your authenticator to support user names and passwords with non-ASCII characters.

  • New: Accept a charset in FormBody.Builder. Previously form bodies were always UTF-8.

  • New: Support the immutable cache-control directive.

  • Fix: Don't crash when an HTTP/2 call is redirected while the connection is being shut down.

  • Fix: Don't drop headers of healthy streams that raced with GOAWAY frames. This bug would cause HTTP/2 streams to occasional hang when the connection was shutting down.

  • Fix: Honor OkHttpClient.retryOnConnectionFailure() when the response is a HTTP 408 Request Timeout. If retries are enabled, OkHttp will retry exactly once in response to a 408.

  • Fix: Don't crash when reading the empty HEAD response body if it specifies a Content-Length.

  • Fix: Don't crash if the thread is interrupted while reading the public suffix database.

  • Fix: Use relative resource path when loading the public suffix database. Loading the resource using a path relative to the class prevents conflicts when the OkHttp classes are relocated (shaded) by allowing multiple private copies of the database.

  • Fix: Accept cookies for URLs that have an IPv6 address for a host.

  • Fix: Don't log the protocol (HTTP/1.1, h2) in HttpLoggingInterceptor if the protocol isn't negotiated yet! Previously we'd log HTTP/1.1 by default, and this was confusing.

  • Fix: Omit the message from MockWebServer's HTTP/2 :status header.

  • Fix: Handle 'Expect: 100 Continue' properly in MockWebServer.


历史版本 :
OkHttp 3.9.1 发布,轻量的 Java 网络请求框架
OkHttp 3.9.1 发布,轻量的 Java 网络请求框架
OkHttp 3.9.0 发布,轻量的 Java 网络请求框架
okhttp 3.8.1 发布,HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
okhttp 3.8.0 发布,HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
okhttp 3.7.0 发布,HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
easy-okhttp 1.0.10-Final 发布
okhttp 3.5.0 发布,HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
NoHttp1.1 发布,完美切入OKHttp 和 RxJava
okhttp 3.4.0 和 3.4.1 发布,HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
okhttp 3.4.0 RC1 发布,HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
okhttp 3.3.1 发布,HTTP+SPDY 客户端开发包
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