发布于 2017-07-19 00:21:43 | 244 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Beego Go应用框架


beego 经过这一段时间的持续改进,终于发布了1.9.0 版本,主要的更新如下

  1. Fix the new repo address for casbin #2654

  2. Fix cache/memory fatal error: concurrent map iteration and map write #2726

  3. AddAPPStartHook func modify #2724

  4. Fix panic: sync: negative WaitGroup counter #2717

  5. incorrect error rendering (wrong status) #2712

  6. validation: support int64 int32 int16 and int8 type #2728

  7. validation: support required option for some struct tag valids #2741

  8. Fix big form parse issue #2725

  9. File log add RotatePerm #2683

  10. Fix Oracle placehold #2749

  11. Supported gzip for req.Header has Content-Encoding: gzip #2754

  12. Add new Database Migrations #2744

  13. Beego auto generate sort ControllerComments #2766

  14. added statusCode and pattern to FilterMonitorFunc #2692

  15. fix the bugs in the "ParseBool" function in the file of config.go #2740

同时bee工具也进行了1.9.0 版本更新

  1. Added MySQL year data type #443

  2. support multiple http methods #445

  3. The DDL migration can now be generated by adding a -ddl and a proper "alter" or "create" as argument value. #455

  4. Fix: docs generator skips everything containing 'vendor' #454

  5. get these tables information in custom the option #441

  6. read ref(pk) #444

  7. Add command bee server to server static folder.

历史版本 :
beego 1.9.0 发布,Go 应用框架
beego 1.7.1 发布,Go 应用框架
Go 应用框架 beego 1.7.0,新增改进功能
Beego 1.6.1 发布,Go 应用框架
beego 1.6.0 版本发布,Go 应用框架
beego 1.5.0 版本发布,Go 应用框架
beego 1.4.3 版本发布,Go 应用框架
beego 1.4.2 版本发布,Go 应用框架
beego 1.4.0 版本发布,Go 应用框架
beego 1.3.0 版本发布,Go 应用框架
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