发布于 2017-04-20 10:30:26 | 99 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Cacti 网络流量监测图形分析工具


Cacti  v1.1.3 发布了。


issue#515: Unable to import color CSV file
issue#519: In non-classic themes its not possible to remove Cacti log or reporting tabs
issue#520: SQL error in graph automation
issue#521: Cacti allows removal of Data Query Graph Template associations when they are in use
issue#525: LAST GPRINT type not rendered correctly due to lack of escaping
issue#530: Undefined function get_vdef in lib/rrd.php
issue#531: Issues with TextAlign and Tick graph items
issue#532: Unreliable scroll height causes issues in Chrome
issue#533: User settings not cleared after saving profile
issue#534: Automation issue with AS clause
issue#538: Unable to rename tree folder
issue#541: Issues with mobile graph viewing
issue#555: DSStats SQL insert errors due to data collection issues
issue#563: Division by zero in removespikes.php
issue: Fixed rendering issues with HRULE's on graphs
issue: Update jsTree to 3.3.4 version
feature: Improved responsiveness UI tables, filters, and menus

历史版本 :
Cacti 1.1.27 发布,网络流量监测图形分析工具
Cacti 1.1.25 发布,网络流量图形监测分析工具
Cacti 1.1.9 发布,网络流量图形监测分析工具
Cacti 1.1.7 发布,网络流量图形监测分析工具
Cacti 1.1.6 发布,网络流量图形监测分析工具
Cacti v1.1.3 发布,网络流量图形监测分析工具
Cacti 1.1.0 发布,网络流量图形监测分析工具
Cacti 1.0.1 bug 修复版本,网络流量图形监测分析工具
Cacti 发布 1.0.0 新版本,网络流量检测图形分析工具
Cacti 0.8.8e 发布,网络流量检测图形分析工具
Cacti 0.8.8d 发布,网络流量检测图形分析工具
Cacti 0.8.8c 发布,网络流量检测图形分析工具
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