发布于 2017-03-29 09:53:23 | 197 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


TeXstudio LaTeX 编辑器

TeXstudio 前身是 TexMakerX, 是一个平台无关的 LaTeX 编辑器,内置 PDF 阅读器。高级特性包括拼写和语法检查、代码折叠、扩展文本导航、代码自动完成以及语法高亮。


TeXstudio 2.12.4
- detect definition of tex counts using newcount
- improve config dialog layout
- make todo comment detection configurable
- show frame titles in structure view
- support table alignment in IEEEeqnarray, xtabular and mpxtabular
- table alignment: fix aligning of empty cols
- table alignment: place \ if last columns is empty 
- warn if begin{column} is used outside columns-env
- workaround for not interpreting $ inside sweave Sexpr{}
- option to deactivate interperation of command definition in magic comments
- remove pdf viewer subtypes from "Default Viewer" config. PDF viewer subtypes should be selected in "PDF Viewer".
- increase the maximal resolution for pdf rendering (bug 2003)
- toolbar for embedded viewer can not turned-off anymore
- show shortcuts in tooltips (can be deactivated in the options)
- pass non-breaking space to grammar check (fixes bug 2040)
- item completion no adds a space (feature request 994)
- fix highlighting of current section in structure (bug 2103)
- fix delays when typing _abc
- fix bug in log parser: wrong filename if empty brackets () occur in text
- fix word repetition erro on non-breaking space (~)
- fix file detection in latex/include file
- fix width of side panel not saved (bug 2083)
- fix ampersand in in recent session names
- fix parsing of RequirePackage in style files if the argument is completed on the same line
- fix misinterpretation of closing brace if extra opening brace is used over multilines
- fix jumping to first page when changing magnifier/hand in pdfviewer
- fix spelling error on words followed by
- show option --version when calling with --help
- fix link to LibreOffice dictionaries
- fix crash on pressing Esc in options
- fix entering persian half-space letter
- fix maketitle completion
- fix shortcut context on OSX
- fix robustcommand definition
- use $* instead of $@ in BUILD.sh (bug 2042)
- add needspace.cwl
- update some cwls
- add turkish translation

历史版本 :
TeXStudio 2.12.4,修复 bug 小版本发布
TeXstudio 2.12.0 新版本发布,LaTeX 编辑器
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