发布于 2017-02-22 10:17:43 | 98 次阅读 | 评论: 1 | 来源: 网友投递


PuTTY Linux客户端工具

PuTTY是一个Telnet、SSH、rlogin、纯TCP以及串行接口连接软件。较早的版本仅支持Windows平台,在最近的版本中开始支持各类Unix平台,并打算移植至Mac OS X上。除了官方版本外,有许多第三方的团体或个人将PuTTY移植到其他平台上,像是以Symbian为基础的移动电话。PuTTY为一开放源代码软件,主要由Simon Tatham维护,使用MIT licence授权。目前最新的版本为0.63。

PuTTY 是一套免费的 SSH / Telnet 程序,它可以连接上支持 SSH Telnet 协议的站点,并且可自动取得对方的系统指纹码 (Fingerprint).建立联机以后,所有的通讯内容都是以加密的方式传输,因此你再也不用害怕使用 Telnet 在 Internet 或公司的内部网络传输资料时被他人获知内容了.

These features arenew in 0.68(released 2017-02-21):

  • Security fix: an integer overflow bug in the agent forwarding code.See vuln-agent-fwd-overflow.

  • Security fix: the Windows PuTTY binaries should no longer bevulnerable to hijacking by specially named DLLs in the same directory(on versions of Windows where they previously were).See vuln-indirect-dll-hijack.

  • Windows PuTTY no longer sets a restrictive process ACL by default,because this turned out to inconvenience too many legitimateapplications such as NVDA and TortoiseGit. You can still manuallyrequest a restricted ACL using the command-line option-restrict-acl.

  • The Windows PuTTY tools now come in a 64-bit version.

  • The Windows PuTTY tools now have Windows's ASLR and DEP securityfeatures turned on.

  • Support for elliptic-curve cryptography (the NIST curves and25519), for host keys, user authentication keys, and key exchange.

  • Support for importing and exporting OpenSSH's new private key format.

  • Host key preference policy change: PuTTY prefers host key formatsfor which it already knows the key.

  • Run-time option (from the system menu / Ctrl-right-click menu) toretrieve other host keys from the same server (which cross-certifiesthem using the session key established using an already-known key) andadd them to the known host-keys database.

  • The Unix GUI PuTTY tools can now be built against GTK 3.

  • There is now a Unix version of Pageant.

MSI (‘Windows Installer’)

32-bit:putty-0.68-installer.msi(or by FTP)(signature)

64-bit:putty-64bit-0.68-installer.msi(or by FTP)(signature)

Unix source archive

.tar.gz:putty-0.68.tar.gz(or by FTP)(signature)

历史版本 :
PuTTY 0.69 发布,SSH/Telnet 程序
PuTTY 0.68 发布
PuTTY 0.67 Beta 发布
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PHPERZ网友 发布于2017-02-22 10:45:44
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