发布于 2017-01-12 23:53:12 | 94 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


RBTools Reviewboard命令行工具

RBTools是Reviewboard的客户端命令行工具。 主要有rbt命令行和python API客户端。 同时在contrib目录下,还有一些用户贡献的脚本和程序插件。

RBTools 0.7.8 发布了。该版本进行了一些MacOS / Windows安装程序的重大改进,以及一些bug修复和功能改进。主要更新内容如下:


  • rbt patch --print can now be run outside of a source tree.

    This is useful when you want to fetch the patch from a review request, but don’t necessary have or need a checkout of the source tree.

    Patch by Stephen Kiernan.

  • rbt setup-repo-- The generated .reviewboardrc file now stores the repository type.

    The REPOSITORY_TYPE setting is now set for new .reviewboardrc files, speeding up RBTools commands by eliminating the need to guess the repository type, and fixing issues when nesting repositories.

    If you already have a .reviewboardrc, you can manually edit it to include this setting.

Bug 修复:

  • Fixed a crash when passing Unicode characters as arguments on the command line.

  • rbt post:--guess-fields (-g) no longer overwrites --guess-summary or --guess-description if those are specified.

  • Team Foundation Server:Fixed generating and uploading diffs containing Unicode BOM characters.



历史版本 :
RBTools 0.7.9 发布,Reviewboard 命令行工具
RBTools 0.7.8 发布,Reviewboard 命令行工具
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