发布于 2016-09-07 23:48:55 | 119 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


AV Linux 基于Debian的发行

AV Linux是多功能的、基于Debian的发行,其特色是大量收集了音频和视频创作软件。此外,它还封装了一套良好定制的Liquorix内核,带有很多 性能和调整方面的优化,以使运行效率最大化。AV Linux可以直接从自启动运行DVD或USB存储设备引导,尽管它也能安装到硬盘上从而作为面向日常任务的通用操作系统使用。

AV Linux 2016.8.30 发布了,


- Fixed UID/GID issue and restored Live and installed UID/GID to '1000'
- Updated to 4.4.6-RT Kernel with fixed 32bit app support and VBox module building support.
- Enabled running shell scripts by clicking in Thunar to ease installing Ardour and Mixbus bundles
- Fixed WinFF presets for aac encoding
- Added some module configs for AMD Video cards and modesetting.
- Complete new 'Zukitre' based theme necessitated by GTK3 3.20 changing it's API and breaking older GTK3 themes intentionally...WTF!?
- Complete new 'Hooli' theme for AVL 32bit (note 'resize' is in the Hooli window manager titlebar options)
- Complete Removal of Kdenlive and KDE5 runtime components... Kdenlive is simply not in a good place right now to feature on a LiveISO. As always you can install it later if you want it.
- Removed Openshot for same reason as Kdenlive... it has great potential but just isn't there yet...
- Complete removal of LibreOffice... it updates far too often and wastes huge amounts of time and bandwidth to keep current in my development builds.
- New Slim theme and custom wallpapers provided by Harrison Consoles. Thanks to Mike at Harrison!
- Added 'catfish' file search and integrated with Thunar
- Added 'xclip' and File path copying to Clipboard as a Thunar custom action (paste your path with the middle mouse button or click scroll)
- Added 'Transmission' to provide a Bittorrent client
- Updates to manual and new section on GPT/UEFI.
- Removed Audacious and VLC and replaced both with mpv (new fork of Mplayer2), very light and easy to use from Thunar
- Removed old sources.list entries and replaced KXStudio GCC-5 repos with the latest versions
- Cleaned up some old files that were not necessary or shouldn't be there at all...
- Updated to Ardour 5.3.0 and Mixbus 3.6.0


历史版本 :
AV Linux 2016.8.30 发布,基于 Debian 发行版
AV Linux 2016 正式发布
AV Linux 6.0.4 发布,包括重要安全更新
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