发布于 2016-08-01 00:21:34 | 173 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


libsodium 加密库

libsodium 是一个先进而且易用的加密库。主要用于加密、解密、签名和生成密码哈希等等。这是一个可移植的、跨编译器支持、可安装的,基于 NaCI 开发,提供一个兼容 API。

Libsodium 1.0.11 发布了,


  • sodium_init() is now thread-safe, and can be safely called multiple times.

  • Android binaries now properly support 64-bit Android, targeting platform 24, but without breaking compatibility with platforms 16 and 21.

  • Better support for old gcc versions.

  • On FreeBSD, core dumps are disabled on regions allocated with sodium allocation functions.

  • AVX2 detection was fixed, resulting in faster BLAKE2b hashing on platforms where it was not properly  detected.

  • The Sandy2x Curve25519 implementation was not as fast as expected on some platforms. This has been fixed.

  • The NativeClient target was improved. Most notably, it now supports optimized implementations, and uses pepper_49 by default.

  • The library can be compiled with recent Emscripten versions. Changes have been made to produce smaller code, and the default heap size was reduced in the standard version.

  • The code can now be compiled on SLES11 service pack 4.

  • Decryption functions can now accept a NULL pointer for the output. This checks the MAC without writing the decrypted message.

  • crypto_generichash_final() now returns -1 if called twice.

  • Support for Visual Studio 2008 was improved.


历史版本 :
加密库 libsodium 1.0.16 发布,包含性能改进
加密库 libsodium 1.0.15 发布,引入一些不兼容的变更
Libsodium 1.0.13 发布,易用的加密库
Libsodium 1.0.12 发布,易用的加密库
Libsodium 1.0.12 发布,易用的加密库
Libsodium 1.0.11 发布,加密库
libsodium 1.0.10 发布,加密库
libsodium 1.0.9 发布,加密库
libsodium 1.0.8 发布,加密库
libsodium 1.0.7 发布,加密库
libsodium 1.0.6 发布,加密库
libsodium 1.0.5 发布,加密库
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