发布于 2016-05-21 00:52:39 | 175 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Calculate Linux 发行版

Calculate Linux是俄罗斯语的基于Gentoo的发行和自启动运行DVD,其目标在于能在任意数量的计算机上都易于使用、安装和升级。它提供两种版 本,Calculate Linux Desktop(CLD)和Calculate Linux Server(CLS)。

Calculate Linux 15.17 发布了。更新内容如下:

  • Calculate Linux Desktop was updated to KDE 5.

  • Testing and stable updates now coming separately and labelled as such.

  • Multiple instances, built with different USE flags, are available in a special repository (binpkg-multi-instance).

  • The main Git mirror migrated to Github.

  • Faster XZ compression on multi-core processors.

  • The XZ algorithm will be used from now on for initramfs, the kernel and its modules.

  • File moving and renaming issues fixed for OverlayFS.

  • Defaulting to Python 3.4.

  • More efficient mirror selection for updates.

  • Mirrors were rearranged.


 Download (MD5pkglist): cld-15.17-x86_64.iso (2,606MB, torrent),cldm-15.17-x86_64.iso (1,870MB, torrent), cldx-15.17-x86_64.iso (1,796MB,torrent).


历史版本 :
Calculate Linux 17.12 发布,基于 Gentoo 的发行版
Calculate Linux 17 发布,基于 Gentoo 的发行版
Calculate Linux 15.17 发布
Calculate Linux 15.12 发布
Calculate Linux 15 发布,基于 Gentoo 的 Linux
Calculate Linux 14.16.2 发布
Calculate Linux 14.12 发布
Calculate Linux 14 发布,Linux 发行版
Calculate Linux 13.19 发布
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