发布于 2016-03-15 00:22:02 | 256 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache Kylin OLAP 分析引擎

Kylin 是一个开源的分布式的 OLAP 分析引擎,来自 eBay 公司开发,基于 Hadoop 提供 SQL 接口和 OLAP 接口,支持 TB 到 PB 级别的数据量。

Apache Kylin 1.3.0 发布了,Kylin 是一个开源的分布式的 OLAP 分析引擎,来自 eBay 公司开发,基于 Hadoop 提供 SQL 接口和 OLAP 接口,支持 TB 到 PB 级别的数据量。

Kylin 是:

  • 超级快的 OLAP 引擎,具备可伸缩性

  • 为 Hadoop 提供 ANSI-SQL 接口

  • 交互式查询能力

  • MOLAP Cube

  • 可与其他 BI 工具无缝集成,如 Tableau,而 Microstrategy 和 Excel 将很快推出


  • 作业管理和监控

  • 压缩和编码的支持

  • Cube 的增量更新

  • Leverage HBase Coprocessor for query latency

  • Approximate Query Capability for distinct Count (HyperLogLog)

  • 易用的 Web 管理、构建、监控和查询 Cube 的接口

  • Security capability to set ACL at Cube/Project Level

  • 支持 LDAP 集成



* [KYLIN-579] - Unload table from Kylin
* [KYLIN-976] - Support Custom Aggregation Types
* [KYLIN-1054] - Support Hive client Beeline
* [KYLIN-1128] - Clone Cube Metadata
* [KYLIN-1186] - Support precise Count Distinct using bitmap (under limited conditions)


* [KYLIN-955] - HiveColumnCardinalityJob should use configurations in conf/kylin_job_conf.xml
* [KYLIN-1014] - Support kerberos authentication while getting status from RM
* [KYLIN-1074] - Load hive tables with selecting mode
* [KYLIN-1082] - Hive dependencies should be add to tmpjars
* [KYLIN-1132] - make filtering input easier in creating cube
* [KYLIN-1201] - Enhance project level ACL
* [KYLIN-1211] - Add 'Enable Cache' button in System page
* [KYLIN-1234] - Cube ACL does not work
* [KYLIN-1240] - Fix link and typo in README
* [KYLIN-1244] - In query window, enable fast copy&paste by double clicking tables/columns' names.
* [KYLIN-1246] - get cubes API update - offset,limit not required
* [KYLIN-1251] - add toggle event for tree label
* [KYLIN-1259] - Change font/background color of job progress
* [KYLIN-1312] - Enhance DeployCoprocessorCLI to support Cube level filter
* [KYLIN-1317] - Kill underlying running hadoop job while discard a job
* [KYLIN-1323] - Improve performance of converting data to hfile
* [KYLIN-1333] - Kylin Entity Permission Control
* [KYLIN-1343] - Upgrade calcite version to 1.6
* [KYLIN-1365] - Kylin ACL enhancement
* [KYLIN-1368] - JDBC Driver is not generic to restAPI json result

Bug 修复

* [KYLIN-918] - Calcite throws "java.lang.Float cannot be cast to java.lang.Double" error while executing SQL
* [KYLIN-1075] - select [MeasureCol] from [FactTbl] is not supported
* [KYLIN-1078] - Cannot have comments in the end of New Query textbox
* [KYLIN-1104] - Long dimension value cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [KYLIN-1110] - can not see project options after clear brower cookie and cache
* [KYLIN-1159] - problem about kylin web UI
* [KYLIN-1214] - Remove "Back to My Cubes" link in non-edit mode
* [KYLIN-1215] - minor, update website member's info on community page
* [KYLIN-1230] - When CubeMigrationCLI copied ACL from one env to another, it may not work
* [KYLIN-1236] - redirect to home page when input invalid url
* [KYLIN-1250] - Got NPE when discarding a job
* [KYLIN-1254] - cube model will be overridden while creating a new cube with the same name
* [KYLIN-1260] - Job status labels are not in same style
* [KYLIN-1274] - Query from JDBC is partial results by default
* [KYLIN-1316] - Wrong label in Dialog CUBE REFRESH CONFIRM
* [KYLIN-1330] - UI create model: Press enter will go back to pre step
* [KYLIN-1331] - UI Delete Aggregation Groups: cursor disappeared after delete 1 dimension
* [KYLIN-1342] - Typo in doc
* [KYLIN-1354] - Couldn't edit a cube if it has no "partition date" set
* [KYLIN-1372] - Query using PrepareStatement failed with multi OR clause
* [KYLIN-1396] - minor bug in BigDecimalSerializer - avoidVerbose should be incremented each time when input scale is larger than given scale
* [KYLIN-1400] - kylin.metadata.url with hbase namespace problem
* [KYLIN-1402] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in Kylin Hive Column Cardinality Job
* [KYLIN-1412] - Widget width of "Partition date column"  is too small to select
* [KYLIN-1419] - NullPointerException occurs when query from subqueries with order by
* [KYLIN-1423] - HBase size precision issue
* [KYLIN-1443] - For setting Auto Merge Time Ranges, before sending them to backend, the related time ranges should be sorted increasingly
* [KYLIN-1445] - Kylin should throw error if HIVE_CONF dir cannot be found
* [KYLIN-1456] - Shouldn't use "1970-01-01" as the default end date
* [KYLIN-1466] - Some environment variables are not used in bin/kylin.sh <RUNNABLE_CLASS_NAME>
* [KYLIN-1469] - Hive dependency jars are hard coded in test



历史版本 :
Apache Kylin 2.2.0 发布,开源分布式分析引擎
Apache Kylin v2.1.0 发布,开源分布式分析引擎
Apache Kylin v2.0.0 正式版发布
Apache Kylin v2.0.0 Beta 尝鲜版上线
Apache Kylin v1.6.0 发布,使用 Apache Kafka 数据源
Apache Kylin v1.5.4.1 发布
Apache Kylin 1.5.4 正式发布,修复大量Bug
Apache Kylin 1.5.4 发布,大量修复 bug
Apache Kylin 1.5.3 正式发布
Apache Kylin v1.5.2 正式发布
Apache Kylin v1.5.1 正式发布
Apache Kylin (v1.5.0) 发布,全新设计的新一代
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