发布于 2015-12-22 23:57:05 | 198 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache Olingo 实现 OData 的 Java 库

Apache Olingo 是个 Java 库,用来实现 Open Data Protocol (OData)。 Apache Olingo 包括服务客户端和 OData 服务器方面。当前支持 OData 2.0 ,未来会支持 OData 4.0。Apache Olingo 扩展部分支持 JPA 持久性或者注释 bean 类。

Apache Olingo 4.1.0 发布,更新内容如下:

[OLINGO-778] - ClientUriBuilder constructs wrong URI for bound operations
[OLINGO-780] - UriParser does not validate that non-composable
Functions are the last segment
[OLINGO-781] - TechnicalEntityProcessor fails when an entity
collection is requested and no entity set is defined
[OLINGO-782] - Function returning complex collections might result in
a 500 internal server error during URI parsing
[OLINGO-788] - Numbers having more than 17 digits in mantissa can't be parsed
[OLINGO-791] - URI Parser allows EntitySets with namespace
[OLINGO-794] - QueryOption Enum still contains INLINECOUNT
[OLINGO-798] - getEntityContainer() throws NullPointerException
[OLINGO-833] - SearchTokenizerTest breaks build on JDK 6

[OLINGO-784] - NPE in EdmPropertyImpl:43
[OLINGO-792] - Improve URI parser error messages
[OLINGO-795] - Enum and TypeDefinitions Enhancements
[OLINGO-804] - Remove the internal UInt7 primitive type class
[OLINGO-806] - Minor clean up before next V4 release
[OLINGO-821] - V4 Verify Enum and TypeDefinition Support
[OLINGO-826] - Enhance TecSVC before release

[OLINGO-568] - OData $search Query Parser for Olingo
[OLINGO-587] - "name" Fields in Service Document cannot be set explicitly
[OLINGO-786] - Support EdmAnnotations on server side
[OLINGO-787] - Option to set absolute metadata context
[OLINGO-789] - Support for action import parameters

[OLINGO-713] - Add additional tutorials


Apache Olingo 是个 Java 库,用来实现 Open Data Protocol (OData)。 Apache Olingo 包括服务客户端和 OData 服务器方面。当前支持 OData 2.0 ,未来会支持 OData 4.0。Apache Olingo 扩展部分支持 JPA 持久性或者注释 bean 类。

历史版本 :
Apache Olingo 4.3.0 发布,支持 OData 4.0
Apache Olingo 2.0.7 发布
Apache Olingo 4.2.0 发布,实现 OData
Apache Olingo 4.1.0 发布
Apache Olingo 4.0.0 正式发布,JDK 1.8 支持
Apache Olingo 2.0.4 发布
Apache Olingo 4.0.0-beta-03 发布
Apache Olingo OData Client 4.0.0 for JavaScript
Apache Olingo 2.0.3 发布
Apache Olingo 2.0.2 发布
Apache Olingo 4.0.0-beta-01 发布
Apache Olingo 2.0.0 发布
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