发布于 2015-12-01 02:47:28 | 197 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache Camel

Apache Camel是Apache基金会下的一个开源项目,它是一个基于规则路由和中介引擎,提供企业集成模式的Java对象的实现,通过应用程序接口(或称为陈述式的Java领域特定语言(DSL))来配置路由和中介的规则。领域特定语言意味着Apache Camel支持你在的集成开发工具中使用平常的,类型安全的,可自动补全的Java代码来编写路由规则,而不需要大量的XML配置文件。同时,也支持在Spring中使用XML配置定义路由和中介规则。

Apache Camel 2.15.5 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

Bug 修复

  • [CAMEL-9161] - Camel spring-boot not finding routes when using spring-cloud

  • [CAMEL-9202] - Flatpack: Body reader never closed

  • [CAMEL-9233] - ZipFileDataFormat doesn't take exchange's charset into account

  • [CAMEL-9236] - Tokenize with regex grouping has a small bug

  • [CAMEL-9238] - NPE while GenericFile.changeFileName

  • [CAMEL-9243] - Invocation of Bean fails when Bean extends and abstract which implements the actual method

  • [CAMEL-9246] - camel-cxf proxy with MTOM does not get attachment back when RPC/literal style WSDL used

  • [CAMEL-9255] - documentType not used for XPath predicates in XML DSL

  • [CAMEL-9259] - enableTrace of the Main class doesn't work

  • [CAMEL-9272] - openweathermap.org requires an APPID id since 09/10/2015

  • [CAMEL-9276] - Netty4 component allows multiple consumers to bind to the same {host}:{port}

  • [CAMEL-9311] - Concurrency issue with the dynamic router

  • [CAMEL-9313] - CamelBlueprintTestSupport - timing problems with property placeholder

  • [CAMEL-9316] - LevelDBAggregationRepository is logging warnings when exchange is already complete on first aggregation

  • [CAMEL-9319] - SshClient resource leak when used from ProducerTemplate

  • [CAMEL-9366] - CXFRS "skipFaultLogging" attribute doesn't work in Spring

  • [CAMEL-9368] - Netty4 producer hangs when connection is prematurely closed


  • [CAMEL-9297] - Expose more configuration options from Camel's XStream component

  • [CAMEL-9309] - camel-jetty - Make it easier to turn on|off java transport over http

  • [CAMEL-9317] - camel-salesforce's XStream to use a system property to configure its setting

  • [CAMEL-9335] - camel-netty-http - Suppress Connection reset by peer WARNs


Apache Camel 是一个非常强大的基于规则的路由以及媒介引擎,该引擎提供了一个基于POJO的 企业应用模式(Enterprise Integration Patterns)的实现,你可以采用其异常强大且十分易用的API (可以说是一种Java的领域定义语言 Domain Specific Language)来配置其路由或者中介的规则。 通过这种领域定义语言,你可以在你的IDE中用简单的Java Code就可以写出一个类型安全并具有一定智能的规则描述文件。这与那种复杂的XML配置相比极大简化了规则定义开发。 当然Apache Camel也提供了一个对Spring 配置文件的支持。

Apache Camel 采用URI来描述各种组件,这样你可以很方便地与各种传输或者消息模块进行交互,其中包含的模块有  HTTP, ActiveMQ, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF Bus API。 这些模块是采用可插拔的方式进行工作的。Apache Camel的核心十分小巧你可以很容易地将其集成在各种Java应用中。

历史版本 :
Apache Camel 2.20 发布,对 Java 9 技术预览支持
Apache Camel 2.18.0 发布,开源规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.17.1 发布,开源规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.17.0 发布,开源规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.16.2 发布,开源规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.15.5 发布,规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.16.1 发布,规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.15.4 发布
Apache Camel 2.16.0 发布,规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.13.4/2.14.2/2.15.0 发布
Apache Camel 2.15.0 发布,Java 规则引擎
Apache Camel 2.13.3 发布
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