发布于 2015-11-09 00:24:30 | 222 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


TortoiseGit Gig客户端

TortoiseGit (海龟Git)是TortoiseSVN的Git版本,tortoisegit用于迁移TortoiseSVN到TortoiseGit,一直以来Git在Windows平台没有好用GUI客户端,现在tortoisegit的出现给Windows开发者带来福音。

TortoiseGit 发布,此版本主要改进:

== Features ==

* Updated libgit to version 2.5.0

* Fixed issue #2563: No Windows 10-specific library icon

* Fixed issue #2568: Add Fast Forward Only option to the merge dialog (--ff-only)

* Fixed issue #2579: Add option to retry push after failed push followed by rebase

* Fixed issue #2583: No overlay icon theme for Windows 10

* Fixed issue #2578: Resolve Dialog  should open "Edit conflicts"

* Fixed issue #2590: Allow to resolve conflicts with TortoiseGitIDiff by clicking on select

* Added branch revision number for tracking of the source code version of a branch in automated builds using "git rev-list --count --first-parent"

* Allow to choose Git Credential Manager for Windows (GCM)

* Fixed issue #2604: Tag using TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:tag should accept a tag name argument

* Fixed issue #2609: Start scrolling the log from the bottom of the window rather than the top when finishing the progress

* Fixed issue #2608: Need a cancel option when cancelling a "restore after commit"

* Fixed issue #2531: Can't filter message in annotated tag or text in notes

* LogDlg: Clear filter on escape (if set) or exit dialog * TortoiseGitMerge: Allow to change file encoding

* TortoiseGitMerge: Move all commands to the first view to avoid having to switch views

* Add find bar to patch viewer

* Added some new OverlayIcon styles (especially for Windows 10)

* Update PuTTY binaries to 0.65

* Update TortoiseOverlays to 1.1.4-26626

此外还有大量 bug 修复,详细改进请看发行说明


TortoiseGit (海龟Git)是TortoiseSVN的Git版本,tortoisegit用于迁移TortoiseSVN到TortoiseGit,一直以来Git在Windows平台没有好用GUI客户端,现在tortoisegit的出现给Windows开发者带来福音。

历史版本 :
TortoiseGit 2.5.0 正式发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 2.4.0 发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 发布,Git客户端
TortoiseGit 正式发布下载
TortoiseGit 发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 发布,Git 客户端
TortoiseGit 发布,Git 客户端
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