发布于 2015-10-11 23:52:04 | 187 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


RethinkDB 分布式数据库


RethinkDB 2.1.5 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复:


  • RethinkDB 2.1.5 servers cannot be mixed with servers running RethinkDB 2.1.4 or earlier in the same cluster

Bug 修复

  • Fixed a memory corruption bug that caused segmentation faults on some systems (#4917)

  • Made the build system compatible with OS X El Capitan (#4602)

  • Fixed spurious "Query terminated by rethinkdb.jobs table" errors (#4819)

  • Fixed an issue that caused changefeeds to keep failing after a table finished reconfiguring (#4838)

  • Fixed a race condition that resulted in a crash with the messagestd::terminate() called without any exception. when losing a cluster connection (#4878)

  • Fixed a segmentation fault in the mark_ready() function that could occur when reconfiguring a table (#4875)

  • Fixed a segmentation fault when using changefeeds on orderBy.limit queries (#4850)

  • Made the Data Explorer handle changefeeds on orderBy.limit queries correctly (#4852)

  • Fixed a "Branch history is incomplete" crash when reconfiguring a table repeatedly in quick succession (#4866)

  • Fixed a problem that caused indexStatus to report results for additional indexes that were not specified in its arguments (#4868)

  • Fixed a segmentation fault when running RethinkDB on certain ARM systems (#4839)

  • Fixed a compilation issue in the UTF-8 unit test with recent versions of Xcode (#4861)

  • Fixed an Assertion failed: [ptr_] error when reconfiguring tables quickly with a debug-mode binary (#4871)

  • Improved the detection of unsupported values in r.js functions to avoid aGuarantee failed: [!key.IsEmpty() && !val.IsEmpty()] crash in the worker process (#4879)

  • Fixed an unitialized data access issue on shutdown (#4918)


  • Improved the performance of getAll queries that fetch multiple keys at once (#1526)

  • Optimized the distribution of tasks across threads on multi-core servers (#4905)



历史版本 :
RethinkDB 2.3.6 发布,NoSQL 分布式文档数据库
RethinkDB 2.3 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 发布 Windows 的开发者预览版
RethinkDB 2.2.3 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.2.1 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.2.0 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.1.5 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.1.4 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.1.3 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.1.1 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.1 beta 发布,分布式数据库
RethinkDB 2.0.2 发布,分布式数据库
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