Welcome! 安装(Installation) 示例列表(List of examples) 依赖注入与服务定位器(Dependency Injection/Service Location) MVC 架构(The MVC Architecture) 使用控制器(Using Controllers) 使用模型(Working with Models) 模型元数据(Models Meta-Data) 事务管理(Model Transactions) Phalcon 查询语言(Phalcon Query Language (PHQL)) 缓存对象关系映射(Caching in the ORM) 对象文档映射 ODM (Object-Document Mapper) 使用视图(Using Views) 视图助手(View Helpers) 资源文件管理(Assets Management) Volt 模版引擎(Volt: Template Engine) MVC 应用(MVC Applications) 路由(Routing) 调度控制器(Dispatching Controllers) 微应用(Micro Applications) 使用命名空间(Working with Namespaces) 事件管理器(Events Manager) 请求环境 (Request Environment) 返回响应(Returning Responses) Cookie 管理(Cookies Management) 生成 URL 和 路径(Generating URLs and Paths) 闪存消息(Flashing Messages) 使用 Session 存储数据(Storing data in Session) 过滤与清理(Filtering and Sanitizing) 上下文编码(Contextual Escaping) 验证(Validation) 表单(Forms) 读取配置(Reading Configurations) 分页(Pagination) 使用缓存提高性能(Improving Performance with Cache) 安全(Security) 加密/解密( Encryption/Decryption ) 访问控制列表 ACL(Access Control Lists ACL) 多语言支持(Multi-lingual Support) 通用类加载器 ( Universal Class Loader ) 日志记录(Logging) 注释解析器(Annotations Parser) 命令行应用(Command Line Applications) 队列(Queueing) 数据库抽象层(Database Abstraction Layer) 国际化(Internationalization) 数据库迁移(Database Migrations) 调试应用程序(Debugging Applications) Phalcon 开发工具(Phalcon Developer Tools) 提高性能:下一步该做什么?(Increasing Performance: What's next?) 单元测试(Unit testing) 授权(License)

发布于 2015-08-21 15:29:48 | 312 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

Mac OS X 系统下使用 Phalcon 开发工具(Phalcon Developer Tools on Mac OS X)

These steps will guide you through the process of installing Phalcon Developer Tools for OS/X.


The Phalcon PHP extension is required to run Phalcon Tools. If you haven’t installed it yet, please see the Installation section for instructions.


You can download a cross platform package containing the developer tools from the Download section. You can also clone it from Github.

Open the terminal application:


Copy & Paste the commands below in your terminal:

wget -q --no-check-certificate -O phalcon-tools.zip http://github.com/phalcon/phalcon-devtools/zipball/master
unzip -q phalcon-tools.zip
mv phalcon-phalcon-devtools-* phalcon-tools

Check where the phalcon-tools directory was installed using a pwd command in your terminal:


On the Mac platform, you need to configure your user PATH to include Phalcon tools. Edit your .profile and append the Phalcon tools path to the environment variable PATH:


Insert these two lines at the end of the file:

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/scott/phalcon-tools
export PTOOLSPATH=/Users/scott/phalcon-tools

The .profile should look like this:


Save your changes and close the editor. In the terminal window, type the following commands to create a symbolic link to the phalcon.sh script:

ln -s ~/phalcon-tools/phalcon.sh ~/phalcon-tools/phalcon
chmod +x ~/phalcon-tools/phalcon

Type the command “phalcon” and you will see something like this:


Congratulations you now have Phalcon tools installed!

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