发布于 2015-07-16 14:22:07 | 230 次阅读 | 评论: 3 | 来源: 网络整理



mod my {
    // A public struct with public fields
    pub struct WhiteBox {
        pub contents: T,

    // A public struct with private fields
    pub struct BlackBox {
        contents: T,

    impl BlackBox {
        // A public constructor
        pub fn new(contents: T) -> BlackBox {
            BlackBox {
                contents: contents,

fn main() {
    // Public structs with public fields can be constructed as usual
    let white_box = my::WhiteBox { contents: "public information" };

    // and their fields can be normally accessed
    println!("The white box contains: {}", white_box.contents);

    // but public structs with private fields can't be constructed
    // Error! `BlackBox` has private fields
    //let black_box = my::BlackBox { contents: "classified information" };
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line

    // However, structs with private fields can still be created using
    // constructors
    let _black_box = my::BlackBox::new("classified information");

    // The private fields of a struct can't be accessed
    // Error! The `contents` field is private
    //println!("The black box contains: {}", _black_box.contents);
    // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this line
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bug 发布于2016-08-24 01:42:08
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check 发布于2016-08-24 01:40:54
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fsh 发布于2016-08-24 01:39:33
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