发布于 2015-07-12 13:57:35 | 264 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



fish 是一个UNIX/Linux系统下的SHELL程序,它的语法、上下文相关的帮助和颜色编码的命令行界面(CLI)显著简化了 UNIX® 的使用,减轻了脚本编程的负担。

Fish shell 2.2 发布了,FISH Shell 是一个动态 SHELL,提供命令自动完成、智能脚本、帮助信息自动完成和基于 web 配置等特性。

fish 是一个UNIX/Linux系统下的SHELL程序,它的语法、上下文相关的帮助和颜色编码的命令行界面(CLI)显著简化了 UNIX® 的使用,减轻了脚本编程的负担。


  • Abbreviations: the new `abbr` command allows for interactively-expanded abbreviations, allowing quick access to frequently-used commands (#731).

  • Vi mode: run `fish_vi_mode` to switch fish into the key bindings and prompt familiar to users of the Vi editor (#65).

  • New inline and interactive pager, which will be familiar to users of zsh (#291).

  • Underlying architectural changes: the `fishd` universal variable server has been removed as it was a source of many bugs and security problems. Notably, old fish sessions will not be able to communicate universal variable changes with new fish sessions. For best results, restart all running instances of `fish`.

  • The web-based configuration tool has been redesigned, featuring a prompt theme chooser and other improvements.

  • New German, Brazilian Portuguese, and Chinese translations.


历史版本 :
FISH Shell 2.4.0 发布,动态 SHELL
FISH Shell 2.2 发布,动态 SHELL
fish 2.1.1 发布,UNIX 的 SHELL
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