发布于 2017-09-13 23:53:51 | 127 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


MapBox MapKit 的开源实现

MapBox 是 iOS 上 MapKit 的一个开源实现。

MapBox-gl-js v0.40.0 发布了,MapBox 是 iOS 上 MapKit 的一个开源实现。



  • Map#addImage now requires the image as an HTMLImageElement, ImageData, or object with width, height, and
    data properties with the same format as ImageData. It no longer accepts a raw ArrayBufferView in the second
    argument and width and height options in the third argument.

  • canvas sources now require a contextType option specifying the drawing context associated with the source canvas. #5155

Bug 修复

  • Add missing documentation for mouseenter, mouseover, mouseleave events #4772

  • Add missing documentation for Marker#getElement() method #5242

  • Fix bug wherein removing canvas source with animate=true leaves map in render loop #5097


  • Added nautical miles unit to ScaleControl #5238 (h/t @fmairesse)

  • Add data-driven styling support for



历史版本 :
MapBox-gl-js v0.40.0 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js v0.0.1 dev 和 0.0.0 dev 发布
MapBox-gl-js v0.39.1 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js v0.39.0 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js v0.37.0 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js 0.36.0 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js 0.35.1 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js 0.34.0 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js 0.33.1 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js 0.33.0 发布,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js 0.32.0/0.32.1,MapKit 开源实现
MapBox-gl-js 0.29 发布,MapKit 开源实现
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