发布于 2017-05-23 08:59:20 | 141 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



MariaDB基于事务的Maria存储引擎,替换了MySQL的MyISAM存储引擎,它使用了Percona的 XtraDB,InnoDB的变体,分支的开发者希望提供访问即将到来的MySQL 5.4 InnoDB性能。这个版本还包括了 PrimeBase XT (PBXT) 和 FederatedX存储引擎。

MariaDB 10.2 首个 GA 10.2.6 发布了。新版采用 InnoDB 为默认存储引擎,更多更新如下:


InnoDB as default

  • InnoDB is now the default storage engine. Until MariaDB 10.1, MariaDB used the XtraDB storage engine as default

Syntax / general features


Replication / binary log


Information Schema


  • EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON now showsouter_ref_conditionfield which contains the condition that the(?) SELECT checks on each re-execution (MDEV-9652)

  • EXPLAN FORMAT=JSON now showssort_keyfield which shows the sort criteria used byfilesortoperation.  (commit 2078392)

  • EXPLAIN used to show incorrect information about how the optimizer resolvedORDER BYclause orDistinct. This was a long-standing problem with roots back in MySQL. Now, after MDEV-8646 and related fixes,  the problem doesn't exist anymore.  (For test cases, see MDEV-7982, MDEV-8857, MDEV-7885, MDEV-326)


  • Connection setup was made faster by moving creation of THD to new thread (MDEV-6150)

  • Pushdown conditions into non-mergeable views/derived tables (MDEV-9197) — Original code from Galina Shalygina

  • ANALYZE TABLE has been re-implemented so as not to lock the entire table when collecting engine independent statistics (MDEV-7901)

  • Internal CRC32 routines use the optimized implementation on Power8 — MDEV-9872

  • Table cache can automatically partition itself as needed to reduce the contention (MDEV-10296)


  • NO PAD collations, which means that end space are significant in comparisons (MDEV-9711) — Original code from Daniil Medvedev

  • MariaDB now works when started with a MySQL 5.7.6+ data directory (MDEV-11170)


System variables

For a list of all new variables, see System Variables Added in MariaDB 10.2 and Status Variables Added in MariaDB 10.2. These include:

New status variables


Other changes

  • Added support for OpenSSL 1.1 and LibreSSL (MDEV-10332)

  • Persistent AUTO_INCREMENT for InnoDB (MDEV-6076)


  • "fast mutexes" have been removed. These aren't faster than normal mutexes, and have been disabled by default for years (MDEV-8111)

  • Old GPL client library is gone; now MariaDB Server comes with the LGPL Connector/C client library (MDEV-9055)


历史版本 :
MariaDB 5.5.59 GA 发布,MySQL 分支版本
MariaDB 10.3.4 发布,10.3 系列的第二个 beta 版
MariaDB 10.2.12 发布,MySQL 分支版本
MariaDB 10.2.12 发布,MySQL 分支版本
MariaDB 10.1.30 和 Connector/C 2.3.4 发布
MariaDB 10.2.11 发布,MySQL 分支版本
MariaDB 发布 MariaDB AX 开源分析解决方案 
MariaDB ColumnStore 1.1.2 GA
MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5.58 稳定版发布,Bug 修复
MariaDB 10.1.29 发布,MySQL 分支版本
MariaDB 10.2.10 发布,MySQL 分支版本
MariaDB 10.0.33 发布,MySQL 分支版本
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