发布于 2017-04-18 23:52:55 | 65 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Firefox 浏览器

firefox 即 火狐浏览器 。Mozilla Firefox,中文名通常称为“火狐”或“火狐浏览器”,是一个开源网页浏览器,使用Gecko引擎(非ie内核),支持多种操作系统如Windows、Mac和linux。Firefox由Mozilla基金会与社区数百个志愿者以GPL/LGPL/MPL三种授权方式发布

Mozilla Firefox 53 今天正式发布,据之前Mozilla公布的消息显示,从这一版本开始,将默认启用多进程架构,如果浏览器安装了不支持多进程的扩展,那么浏览器将仍然使用单一进程;更重要的是,从53版开始,Firefox停止对Windows XP与Vista的支持,这意味着如果想使用更高版本的Firefox就要升级到Windows 7及以上的版本,


  • Improved graphics stability for Windows users with the addition of compositor process separation (Quantum Compositor)

  • Two new 'compact' themes available in Firefox, dark and light, based on the Firefox Developer Edition theme

  • Lightweight themes are now applied in private browsing windows

  • Reader Mode now displays estimated reading time for the page

  • Windows 7+ users on 64-bit OS can select 32-bit or 64-bit versions in the stub installer


  • Permission notifications have a cleaner design and cannot be easily missed

  • Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported. XP and Vista users running Firefox 52 will continue to receive security updates on Firefox ESR 52.

  • 32-bit Mac OS X is no longer supported. Firefox is now a 64-bit only Mac OS X application

  • Updates for Mac OS X are smaller in size compared to updates for Firefox 52

  • Media playback on new tabs is blocked until the tab is visible

  • The last few characters of shortened tab titles fade out instead of being replaced by ellipses to keep more of the title visible

  • New visual design for audio and video controls

  • Ended Firefox Linux support for processors older than Pentium 4 and AMD Opteron

  • Media playback on new tabs is blocked until the tab is visible


  • Changes for web developers

  • Support for WebM video with alpha, which allows playing videos with transparent backgrounds


历史版本 :
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 现可下载:速度进一步提升
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 稳定版将于 1 月 23 日上线
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 Beta 16 (Quantum) 发布
Mozilla Firefox 57.0.4 发布,修复重大漏洞
Firefox 57.0.4 发布,修复 Meltdown 和 Spectre 漏洞
Firefox 57.0.3 发布,bug 修复版本
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 Beta 13 (Quantum) 发布
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 Beta 12 发布,支持 WebVR
Firefox 57.0.2 发布,修复了 bug 问题
Firefox 更新到 57.0.1,修复了 bug 和安全性问题
Firefox 57 正式版开放下载,更美观更流畅
Mozilla 最好正式版 Firefox 57 即将来袭!新特性一览
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