发布于 2017-02-15 21:27:40 | 143 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



Javascript 是一种由Netscape的LiveScript发展而来的原型化继承的基于对象的动态类型的区分大小写的客户端脚本语言,主要目的是为了解决服务器端语言,比如Perl,遗留的速度问题,为客户提供更流畅的浏览效果。



var strnew="Hello Raghu How are u"
//Checking existence in entire string
if(strnew.indexOf("Raghu") != -1 )
Checking existence at the end of string
For example, variable result1 in the following example is assigned 
the value of true because the word "Ishmael" appears at the end of 
the string. Variable result2 is assigned a value of false because 
"Raghu" doesn't appear at the end of the string.
result1 = /Raghu$/.test("Call me Raghu");
result2 = /Raghu$/.test("Call me Raghu. Some years ago");
Checking existence in the begining of string
In the following example, variable result1 is assigned the value 
of true because the word "Birds" appears at the beginning of the 
string. Variable result2 is assigned the value of false because 
"Birds" doesn't appear at the beginning of the string.
result1 = /^Birds/.test("Birds fly");
result2 = /^Birds/.test("Big Birds fly");


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