发布于 2016-11-03 04:25:12 | 56 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

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RabbitMQ 开源消息队列系统

RabbitMQ 是由 LShift 提供的一个 Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 的开源实现,由以高性能、健壮以及可伸缩性出名的 Erlang 写成,因此也是继承了这些优点。

RabbitMQ 3.6.6 RC1 发布了,



Upgrading from versions between 3.6.0 and 3.6.5 to this release requires a cluster shutdown.
This is also true for versions prior to 3.6.0.
See the "Upgrading clusters" section of the documentation.


  1. Changing queue mode to lazy could block queue process in certain circumstances.

  2. Mirroring implementation didn't handle certain internal protocol messages arriving

    out of order.

  3. Mirror set changes weren't handled gracefully in certain circumstances (e.g. in the middle of a mirror promotion).

  4. Mirrored queue could terminate after promotion if HA policy was reapplied during sync.

  5. Autoheal partition handling mode could run into a multi-node deadlock.

  6. Queue mirror group membership now correctly handles certain partial partition cases.

  7. Eager queue sync will now stop as soon as a mirror shutdown/unavailability is detected.

  8. Lazy queues now trigger runtime GC significantly less frequently, making moving data

    to the message store more efficient.

  9. Mirroring policies now respect the nodes parameter when re-electing a master.

  10. After a partial network partitions, nodes with newly elected masters will now be more defensive

    about the (no longer relevant) policy change notifications.

  11. Late responses from peers in certain partial network partition scenarios are now

    ignored by channels.

  12. After a partial network partitions, nodes with newly elected masters will now be more defensive

    about the (no longer relevant) synchronization start requests.

  13. Network partition triggered late and duplicate acknowledgements are now ignored/filterd out

    by queue master processes.

  14. rabbitmqctl and server startup could be affected by some DNS configurations.

  15. RPM package was split into two: for CentOS 6 and 7. The latter includes systemd support.

  16. Workaround for Erlang/OTP bug OTP-13425 where crash dump generation failed on UNIX




历史版本 :
RabbitMQ 3.7.2 发布,修复插件问题
RabbitMQ 3.7.0 发布,正式支持 Erlang/OTP 20
RabbitMQ 3.6.14 发布,常规维护版本
RabbitMQ 3.6.13 发布,常规维护版本
RabbitMQ 3.6.12 发布,AMQP 消息服务器
RabbitMQ 3.6.12 RC2 发布,AMQP 消息服务器
RabbitMQ 3.6.11 发布,AMQP 消息服务器
RabbitMQ 3.6.11 Milestone 5、v3.7.0 milestone18 发布
RabbitMQ 3.6.11 Milestone 3 发布
RabbitMQ v3.6.11 milestone2 发布,AMQP 消息服务器
RabbitMQ 3.6.10 正式发布,AMQP 消息服务器
RabbitMQ 3.6.10 Milestone 4 发布
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