发布于 2016-09-28 03:24:44 | 48 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Node.js 服务器端的JavaScript

Node.js 是一个基于Chrome JavaScript 运行时建立的一个平台, 用来方便地搭建快速的 易于扩展的网络应用· Node.js 借助事件驱动, 非阻塞I/O 模型变得轻量和高效, 非常适合 运行在分布式设备 的 数据密集型 的实时应用

Node.js v6.7.0 (Current) 发布了,本次更新如下:

Semver Minor:

  • openssl:

    • Upgrade to 1.0.2i, fixes a number of defects impacting Node.js: CVE-2016-6304 ("OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth", high severity), CVE-2016-2183, CVE-2016-2178 and CVE-2016-6306. (Shigeki Ohtsu) #8714

    • Upgrade to 1.0.2j, fixes a defect included in 1.0.2i resulting in a crash when using CRLs, CVE-2016-7052. (Shigeki Ohtsu) #8786

    • Remove support for loading dynamic third-party engine modules. An attacker may be able to hide malicious code to be inserted into Node.js at runtime by masquerading as one of the dynamic engine modules. Originally reported by Ahmed Zaki (Skype). (Ben Noordhuis) nodejs/node-private#73

  • http: CVE-2016-5325 - Properly validate for allowable characters in the reason argument inServerResponse#writeHead(). Fixes a possible response splitting attack vector. This introduces a new case where throw may occur when configuring HTTP responses, users should already be adopting try/catch here. Originally reported independently by Evan Lucas and Romain Gaucher. (Evan Lucas) nodejs/node-private#60

Semver Patch:

  • buffer: Zero-fill excess bytes in new Buffer objects created with Buffer.concat() while providing atotalLength parameter that exceeds the total length of the original Buffer objects being concatenated. (Сковорода Никита Андреевич) nodejs/node-private#64

  • src: Fix regression where passing an empty password and/or salt to crypto.pbkdf2() would cause a fatal error (Rich Trott) #8572

  • tls: CVE-2016-7099 - Fix invalid wildcard certificate validation check whereby a TLS server may be able to serve an invalid wildcard certificate for its hostname due to improper validation of *. in the wildcard string. Originally reported by Alexander Minozhenko and James Bunton (Atlassian). (Ben Noordhuis) nodejs/node-private#75

  • v8: Fix regression where a regex on a frozen object was broken (Myles Borins) #8673



历史版本 :
Node.js v8.9.4 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js v6.12.3 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js 9.3.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.2.1,v8.9.3, v4.8.7 发布
Node.js v6.12.2 “Boron”(LTS) 发布,修复漏洞
Node v8.9.2 和 v6.12.1 长期支持版发布
Node.js v9.2.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node v8.9.1 (LTS) 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.1.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.0.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node 8.8.0、6.11.5 和 4.8.5 发布,你在用哪版?
Node.js v8.7.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
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