发布于 2016-09-09 00:17:27 | 125 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Visual Studio Code 跨平台编辑器

Visual Studio Code 是一个运行于 OS X,Windows 和 Linux 之上的,针对于编写现代 web 和云应用的跨平台编辑器。该应用仍然处于预览版阶段,但是你现在就可以在这里下载体验。

Visual Studio Code 1.5 发布了。


  • Workbench: Bring the File Explorer to life with File Icon Themes. VS Code ships with two icon themes with more available on the Marketplace.

  • Debugging: The console [REPL] just got a whole lot more usable with IntelliSense for Node.js as well as debug protocol additions to support IntelliSense by other debug extensions. We also added support for multi-line input.

  • Extensions:

    • You can now quickly see an extension's contributions (commands, settings, languages). Both for your installed extensions and those on the Marketplace.

    • Sort your Marketplace extension searches by installation count and ratings.

    • Turn on auto update or use Update All for your installed extensions.

  • Editor: New settings to control word wrap and auto save.

  • Quick Open: Performance improvements with Quick Open for large projects.

  • Extension Authoring: Expanded editor command API to support VIM emulation.


历史版本 :
Visual Studio Code 1.19.2 发布,修复三个问题
Visual Studio Code 1.19 发布,性能改进
Visual Studio Code 1.18.1 发布,修复了部分问题
Visual Studio Code 1.18.0 发布了,蓝色 logo 回归
Visual Studio Code v.s Atom-IDE:Web 开发哪家强?
Visual Studio Code 1.17 发布,支持 Mac 触控条
Visual Studio Code 1.16.1 发布,修复大括号匹配问题
Visual Studio Code 1.16,自动闭合 HTML 标签
Visual Studio Code 1.15 发布
Visual Studio Code 1.14 发布
Visual Studio Code 1.13.1 发布
Visual Studio Code 1.13 发布
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