发布于 2016-09-02 00:57:54 | 171 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Django Python WEB开发框架

Django是一个开放源代码的Web应用框架,由Python写成。采用了MVC的软件设计模式,即模型M,视图V和控制器C。它最初是被开发来用于管理劳伦斯出版集团旗下的一些以新闻内容为主的网站的,即是CMS(内容管理系统)软件。并于2005年7月在BSD许可证下发布。这套框架是以比利时的吉普赛爵士吉他手Django Reinhardt来命名的。

Django 1.10.1 发布了,



  • Fixed a crash in MySQL connections where SELECT @@SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL doesn’t return a result (#26991).

  • Allowed User.is_authenticated and User.is_anonymous properties to be compared using ==, !=, and | (#26988, #27154).

  • Removed the broken BaseCommand.usage() method which was for optparse support (#27000).

  • Fixed a checks framework crash with an empty Meta.default_permissions (#26997).

  • Fixed a regression in the number of queries when using RadioSelect with a ModelChoiceField form field (#27001).

  • Fixed a crash if request.META['CONTENT_LENGTH'] is an empty string (#27005).

  • Fixed the isnull lookup on a ForeignKey with its to_field pointing to a CharField or pointing to a CharField defined with primary_key=True (#26983).

  • Prevented the migrate command from raising InconsistentMigrationHistory in the presence of unapplied squashed migrations (#27004).

  • Fixed a regression in Client.force_login() which required specifying a backend rather than automatically using the first one if multiple backends are configured (#27027).

  • Made QuerySet.bulk_create() properly initialize model instances on backends, such as PostgreSQL, that support returning the IDs of the created records so that many-to-many relationships can be used on the new objects (#27026).

  • Fixed crash of django.views.static.serve() with show_indexes enabled (#26973).

  • Fixed ClearableFileInput to avoid the required HTML attribute when initial data exists (#27037).

  • Fixed annotations with database functions when combined with lookups on PostGIS (#27014).

  • Reallowed the {% for %} tag to unpack any iterable (#27058).

  • Made makemigrations skip inconsistent history checks on non-default databases if database routers aren’t in use or if no apps can be migrated to the database (#27054, #27110, #27142).

  • Removed duplicated managers in Model._meta.managers (#27073).

  • Fixed contrib.admindocs crash when a view is in a class, such as some of the admin views (#27018).

  • Reverted a few admin checks that checked field.many_to_many back to isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField) since it turned out the checks weren’t suitable to be generalized like that (#26998).

  • Added the database alias to the InconsistentMigrationHistory message raised by makemigrations and migrate (#27089).

  • Fixed the creation of ContentType and Permission objects for models of applications without migrations when calling the migrate command with no migrations to apply (#27044).

  • Included the already applied migration state changes in the Apps instance provided to the pre_migrate signal receivers to allow ContentType renaming to be performed on model rename (#27100).

  • Reallowed subclassing UserCreationForm without USERNAME_FIELD in Meta.fields (#27111).

  • Fixed a regression in model forms where model fields with a default that didn’t appear in POST data no longer used the default (#27039).



历史版本 :
Django 2.0 正式发布,Python 的 Web 框架
DjangoX v0.4.1 发布, Django 强大灵活后台系统
Django 2.0 beta 1 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
Django 2.0 beta 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
Django 1.11.6 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
Django 2.0a1 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
Django 1.11.5 和 1.10.8 发布,修复安全问题
DjangoX v0.4.0 发布, Django 强大灵活后台系统
Django 1.11.4 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
Django 1.11.3 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
Django 1.11.1 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
Django 1.10.6 发布,Python 的 Web 框架
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