发布于 2016-07-30 00:21:27 | 123 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Node.js 服务器端的JavaScript

Node.js 是一个基于Chrome JavaScript 运行时建立的一个平台, 用来方便地搭建快速的 易于扩展的网络应用· Node.js 借助事件驱动, 非阻塞I/O 模型变得轻量和高效, 非常适合 运行在分布式设备 的 数据密集型 的实时应用

Node.js Tools 1.2 for Visual Studio 2015 发布了。

该版本包括Visual Studio免费组件和web扩展,对单元测试、云部署以及更多方面进行改进,更快更好的ES6 支持。


  • Visual Studio Community 2015 (requires Update 3 or later)

  • Visual Studio 2015 Express for Web (requires Update 3 or later)

  • Visual Studio 2015 Professional or above (requires Update 3 or later)

  • Remove global npm node feature, which was unnecessary for most users and also causing performance issues

  • #1140 Execute typings install separately for each package

  • Added better diagnostic information to help drive quality

    • #1116 Add better diagnostic info for ES6 Mode IntelliSense

    • #1096 Add Telemetry for Which IntelliSense Is Currently Selected


  • #125 Attach debugger to Azure deployment via Server Explorer fails. You can attach manually as outlined on the Advanced Debugging page.

  • #434 Profiling does not resolve function names if using 64-bit Node. Install and profile 32-bit Node to work around this issue.

  • ReSharper is known to cause code-completion, memory, and performance issues when enabled alongside NTVS. We recommend disabling at least ReSharper's JavaScript functionality if you are having problems.

  • NTVS does not fully support build and test features of Visual Studio Team Services, but we are working to improve the experience. If you are having trouble, please file an issue so we can get to the bottom of it.

  • We are constantly working to improve our code-completion and formatting to support the wide variety of modules and code styles. Please file an issue if you are running into unexpected behavior.


历史版本 :
Node.js v8.9.4 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js v6.12.3 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js 9.3.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.2.1,v8.9.3, v4.8.7 发布
Node.js v6.12.2 “Boron”(LTS) 发布,修复漏洞
Node v8.9.2 和 v6.12.1 长期支持版发布
Node.js v9.2.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node v8.9.1 (LTS) 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.1.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.0.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node 8.8.0、6.11.5 和 4.8.5 发布,你在用哪版?
Node.js v8.7.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
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