发布于 2016-07-07 00:26:50 | 72 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Node.js 服务器端的JavaScript

Node.js 是一个基于Chrome JavaScript 运行时建立的一个平台, 用来方便地搭建快速的 易于扩展的网络应用· Node.js 借助事件驱动, 非阻塞I/O 模型变得轻量和高效, 非常适合 运行在分布式设备 的 数据密集型 的实时应用

Node v6.3.0 (Current) 发布了,主要更新如下:

  • buffer: Added buffer.swap64() to complement swap16() & swap32(). (Zach Bjornson) #7157

  • build: New configure options have been added for building Node.js as a shared library. (Stefan Budeanu)#6994

    • The options are: --shared--without-v8-platform & --without-bundled-v8.

  • crypto: Root certificates have been updated. (Ben Noordhuis) #7363

  • debugger: The server address is now configurable via --debug=<address>:<port>. (Ben Noordhuis) #3316

  • npm: Upgraded npm to v3.10.3 (Kat Marchán) #7515 & (Rebecca Turner) #7410

  • readline: Added the prompt option to the readline constructor. (Evan Lucas) #7125

  • repl / vmsigint/ctrl+c will now break out of infinite loops without stopping the Node.js instance. (Anna Henningsen) #6635

  • src:

    • Added a node::FreeEnvironment public C++ API. (Cheng Zhao) #3098

    • Refactored require('constants'), constants are now available directly from their respective modules. (James M Snell) #6534

  • stream: Improved readable.read() performance by up to 70%. (Brian White) #7077

  • timerssetImmediate() is now up to 150% faster in some situations. (Andras) #6436

  • util: Added a breakLength option to util.inspect() to control how objects are formatted across lines. (cjihrig) #7499

  • v8-inspector: Experimental support has been added for debugging Node.js over the inspector protocol. (Ali Ijaz Sheikh) #6792

    • Note: This feature is experimental, and it could be altered or removed.

    • You can try this feature by running Node.js with the --inspect flag.

详情:Node v6.3.0 (Current)

历史版本 :
Node.js v8.9.4 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js v6.12.3 (LTS) 发布,可以从任何目录配置
Node.js 9.3.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.2.1,v8.9.3, v4.8.7 发布
Node.js v6.12.2 “Boron”(LTS) 发布,修复漏洞
Node v8.9.2 和 v6.12.1 长期支持版发布
Node.js v9.2.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node v8.9.1 (LTS) 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.1.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node.js v9.0.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
Node 8.8.0、6.11.5 和 4.8.5 发布,你在用哪版?
Node.js v8.7.0 发布,服务器端 JavaScript 运行环境
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