发布于 2016-04-23 23:59:20 | 350 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Activiti 业务流程管理(BPM)和工作流系统

Activiti是一个业务流程管理(BPM)和工作流系统,适用于开发人员和系统管理员。其核心是超快速,稳定的BPMN2流程引擎。它易于与 Spring集成使用。

Activiti 5.20.0 发布了, 这是一个Bug修复版本。改进记录如下:

  • mainly fixing the bug around losing message and signal start event subscriptions on process definition redeployment, see ACT-4117


  • [ACT-2163] - Fix some bugs and optimize display on text in workflow drawing

  • [ACT-4051] - Spring Boot support does not discover processes in external JARs

  • [ACT-4097] - Subprocess start events not present in historic activity instance list

  • [ACT-4101] - NPE when there are multiple routes to terminateEndEvent, and both are reached

  • [ACT-4109] - Database exception when using both processInstanceId and executionId on HistoricVariableInstanceQuery

  • [ACT-4112] - Subscribed Event Deleted after the related process is redeployed (MySQL database)

  • [ACT-4117] - Signal and Boundary event subscription are lost when deploying a new process definition version

  • [ACT-4118] - Signal and Message start event are not restored when deleting the latest version of a deployment

  • [ACT-4119] -Stale ProcessDefinition cache when modifying the suspensionState

  • [ACT-4130] - Unused assignment and possible integer overflow

  • [ACT-4131] - Message events are not restored after deployment for processes with tenant id

  • [ACT-4137] -  Historic process instance endTime not set when using terminate end event


  • [ACT-4091] - Tasks list empty in executionEntity

  • [ACT-4104] - Boundary message event isn't exported


  • [ACT-4064] - Missing some search filters in "Get historic task instances" REST service


历史版本 :
Activiti 7-201711-EA 发布,工作流引擎
Activiti 6.0.0 版本正式发布,工作流引擎
工作流引擎 Activiti 5.22.0 发布
Activiti 5.21.0 发布,业务流程管理
Activiti 5.20.0 发布,业务流程管理
Activiti 5.19.0 发布,业务流程管理
Activiti 6 Beta 1 发布,业务流程管理
Activiti Designer 5.18.0 发布,可视化流程设计器
Activiti 5.18.0 发布,引入 bulk inserts
Activiti 5.17.0 发布,新增 Async executor
Activiti 5.16.4 发布,基于BPMN2.0规范的流程引擎
Activiti 5.16.1 发布,基于BPMN2.0规范的流程引擎
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