发布于 2016-04-19 00:17:47 | 203 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache NiFi 数据处理和分发系统

Apache NiFi 是一个易于使用、功能强大而且可靠的数据处理和分发系统。Apache NiFi 是为数据流设计。它支持高度可配置的指示图的数据路由、转换和系统中介逻辑。


Apache NiFi 0.6.1 发布了,


    • Exposed property to control fetch size when interacting with databases in the 'QueryDatabaseTable' processor.  Previously it just defaulted to one and would be innefficient.

    • Corrected an issue where high-rate bulletin generation caused more than the last five bulletins to be retained which wasted memory.

    • Corrected logic in GetKafka that resulted in leaking connections to Zookeeper ultimately leading to node instability.

    • Corrected PutKafka logic where incorrect message demarcation could result in data loss during transfer.

    • Simplified validation logic for Hadoop and HBase processors that led to excessive and expensive validation calls that caused sluggish UI behavior.

    • Resolved an edge condition which could cause the content archival to not expire data properly resulting in full content repositories and stopping the flow.


历史版本 :
Apache NiFi MiNiFi 0.4.0 发布,改善错误报告
Apache NiFi 1.5.0 发布,数据处理和分发系统
Apache NiFi Registry 0.1.0 发布
Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ 0.3.0 发布
Apache NiFi 1.3.0 发布,数据处理和分发系统
Apache NiFi 0.7.3 发布,数据处理和分发系统
Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ 0.2.0 发布
Apache NiFi 1.2.0 发布,数据处理和分发系统
Apache NiFi 1.1.2 和 0.7.2 发布,数据处理和分发系统
Apache NiFi 1.1.1 发布,数据处理和分发系统
Apache NiFi - MiNiFi 0.1.0 发布
Apache NiFi MiNiFi C++ 0.1.0 发布
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