发布于 2016-03-15 00:00:54 | 255 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


WebStorm JavaScript开发工具

WebStorm 是jetbrains公司旗下一款JavaScript 开发工具。被广大中国JS开发者誉为“Web前端开发神器”、“最强大的HTML5编辑器”、“最智能的JavaScript IDE”等。与IntelliJ IDEA同源,继承了IntelliJ IDEA强大的JS部分的功能。

WebStorm 2016.1  候选版2 发布了。


Build tools Bug WEB-18581 npm scripts: Debug should be available only for script with node process
Dart Bug WEB-17932 Dart: Debugger: open local file instead of the remote copy
HTML Bug WEB-10645 Wrong case in HTML autocomplete
Bug WEB-20527 Error: Cannot resolve file
JavaScript Bug WEB-20494 JSDoc @see symbol autocompletion not working inside constructor function
Bug WEB-20426 export default function gives "Unused function" and "Unresolved variables"
JavaScript. Frameworks Bug WEB-20600 Angular 2: red code, 'Unexpected token' inspection
JavaScript. Inspections Bug WEB-20443 JSHint: support new options inside .jshintrc file and JSHint UI
Bug WEB-20117 Redundant local variable inspection for JavaScript incorrectly identifies variable that is required.
Bug WEB-20138 ES6: reassign const variable
Bug WEB-20559 es6: destructuring assignment in for of loop result in restructured variables incorrectly being marked as 'might not be initialized'
Bug WEB-20534 Duplicate declaration when using computed property names with function values
Node.js Exception WEB-20643 Remote interpreter: NullPointerException on applying empty Vagrant configuration
TypeScript Bug WEB-20625 Convert to template string intention should work in TypeScript
Bug WEB-18835 TypeScript: Autoformatting does not put spaces after colon before type in interfaces
Bug WEB-18352 Typescript: module resolution logic wrong. Analyzer ignores `typings` entry in sud-modules `package.json` when targeting commonjs
Performance WEB-19847 WebStorm crashes caused by large TypeScript project when unresolved types introduced
IDE Configuration Bug IDEA-152061 Ability to set default project location
Task IDEA-149458 Support for parallel update campaigns in a single channel
Task Management Bug IDEA-136499 "Open Task" command and GitLab issues: uses internal (DB global) issue id instead of issue number (project local)
Version Control. Log Usability IDEA-152442 "Go To Hash/Branch/Tag" button is missing
Version Control. Mercurial Performance IDEA-152392 Freezes when hg has many roots (JDK project)
Version Control. Subversion Bug IDEA-146178 Subversion fails during check of file by invalid path
Plugin: Deployment _ FTP.. Bug WI-30881 Key passphrase is used as a password in case key file is invalid or passphrase doesn't match it
Exception WI-30645 Remote Host Access: null pointer exception with copy and paste


历史版本 :
前端开发利器 WebStorm 发布 2017.3.3 正式版本
WebStorm 2017.3.2 发布,JavaScript 编辑器
WebStorm 2017.3.1 发布,支持 React 16.2
WebStorm 2017.2.4 发布,JavaScript 编辑器
WebStorm 2017.2.3 发布,修复了大量错误
WebStorm 2017.2.2 发布,JavaScript 编辑器
WebStorm 2017.2 发布:更好地支持 Webpack
WebStorm 2017.2 EAP 新版发布,JavaScript 编辑器
WebStorm 2017.1.1 发布,JavaScript 编辑器
WebStorm 2017.1.1 EAP 发布
WebStorm 2017.1 发布:增加对 Vue.js 和 Jest 的支持
WebStorm 2016.3.3 发布,JavaScript 编辑器
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