发布于 2016-03-11 00:18:36 | 258 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


PhpStorm PHP开发工具

PhpStorm是一个轻量级且便捷的PHP IDE,其旨在提供用户效率,可深刻理解用户的编码,提供智能代码补全,快速导航以及即时错误检查。

PhpStorm 2016.1 RC1 (EAP 145.256) 发布了,PhpStorm 是 JetBrains 公司开发的一个轻量级且便捷的PHP IDE,其旨在提供用户效率,可深刻理解用户的编码,提供智能代码补全,快速导航以及即时错误检查。


PHP Completion Bug WI-30936 There is no completion for aliased trait inside trait use block
Bug WI-30924 Autoimport doesn't work for completion of trait inside trait use block
Bug WI-30991 Smart enter: one more step is needed to get into parens
Usability WI-30935 In function import statement after namespace prefix only functions from the namespace should be shown.
Usability WI-30877 Code completion does not work for protected/private methods/properties in the traits
PHP debug Bug WI-30972 Validation: fail to validate web server with disabled "Remote Host Access" plugin
PHP lang Usability WI-3232 PHP: define(), isset() and other "language construct" "function definitions" seems to be not provided for navigation and quick doc
Exception WI-30726 com.jetbrains.php.codeInsight.controlFlow.ControlFlowException: on very large method (2000+ lines of code)
Plugin: Deployment _ FTP.. Bug WI-30881 Key passphrase is used as a password in case key file is invalid or passphrase doesn't match it
Exception WI-30645 Remote Host Access: null pointer exception with copy and paste
IDE Configuration Bug IDEA-152061 Ability to set default project location
Task IDEA-149458 Support for parallel update campaigns in a single channel
Task Management Bug IDEA-136499 "Open Task" command and GitLab issues: uses internal (DB global) issue id instead of issue number (project local)
Version Control. Log Usability IDEA-152442 "Go To Hash/Branch/Tag" button is missing
Version Control. Mercurial Performance IDEA-152392 Freezes when hg has many roots (JDK project)
Version Control. Subversion Bug IDEA-146178 Subversion fails during check of file by invalid path
Build tools Bug WEB-18581 npm scripts: Debug should be available only for script with node process
HTML Bug WEB-10645 Wrong case in HTML autocomplete
Bug WEB-20527 Error: Cannot resolve file
JavaScript Bug WEB-20494 JSDoc @see symbol autocompletion not working inside constructor function
Bug WEB-20426 export default function gives "Unused function" and "Unresolved variables"
JavaScript. Inspections Bug WEB-20443 JSHint: support new options inside .jshintrc file and JSHint UI
Bug WEB-20117 Redundant local variable inspection for JavaScript incorrectly identifies variable that is required.
Bug WEB-20138 ES6: reassign const variable
Bug WEB-20559 es6: destructuring assignment in for of loop result in restructured variables incorrectly being marked as 'might not be initialized'
Bug WEB-20534 Duplicate declaration when using computed property names with function values
Node.js Exception WEB-20643 Remote interpreter: NullPointerException on applying empty Vagrant configuration
TypeScript Bug WEB-18835 TypeScript: Autoformatting does not put spaces after colon before type in interfaces
Bug WEB-18352 Typescript: module resolution logic wrong. Analyzer ignores `typings` entry in sud-modules `package.json` when targeting commonjs
Bug WEB-20625 Convert to template string intention should work in TypeScript
Performance WEB-19847 WebStorm crashes caused by large TypeScript project when unresolved types introduced
Docker Feature PY-18623 Support –add-host flag for run configurations based on Docker remote interpreters
Bug PY-18632 Env variables in Docker container settings for Python run configuration are ignored
Usability PY-18637 Fix usability problems in Docker container settings editor


历史版本 :
PhpStorm 2017.3.3 正式发布:自动格式化响应的内容
PhpStorm 2017.3.3 EAP 173.4301.15 发布
PhpStorm 2017.3.3 EAP 发布,PHP 集成开发环境
PhpStorm 2017.3.2 发布,PHP 集成开发环境
PhpStorm 2017.3.1 发布,PHP 集成开发环境
PhpStorm 2017.3 发布,PHP 集成开发环境
PhpStorm 2017.3 Public Preview 包含许多重大改进
PHPStorm 2017.3.EAP 发布,PHP 集成开发环境
PhpStorm 2017.2.3 发布,支持 Docker Compose
PhpStorm 2017.2.2:为 PHP 和 Web 开发带来了改进
PhpStorm 2017.2.1 EAP 172.3544 发布
PhpStorm 2017.2 正式发布:新功能和错误修复
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