发布于 2016-01-26 00:24:21 | 234 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

这里有新鲜出炉的Redis 命令参考,程序狗速度看过来!

Redis Key-Value数据库

Redis是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。

Redis 3.0.7 和 3.2.0 rc2 发布,3.2.0 rc2 更新如下:

--[ Redis 3.2.0 RC2 (version 3.1.102) ] Release date: 25 jan 2016

Upgrade urgency MODERATE: this release fixes important Redis Cluster bugs.

* [FIX] Many fixes to MIGRATE multiple keys implementation. The command
        could handle errors in a faulty way leading to crashes or other
        unexpected behaviors. MIGRATE command refactoring.
        (The analysis of the faulty conditions was conducted by
         Kevin McGehee. The fix was developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] A Redis Cluster node crash was fixed because of wrong handling of
        node->slaveof pointers.
        (Reported by JackyWoo, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Fix redis-trib rebalance when nodes need to be left empty because
        the specified weight is zero.
        (Reported by Shahar Mor, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] MIGRATE: Never send -ASK redirections for MIGRATE when there are
        open slots. Redis-trib and other cluster management utility must
        always be free to move keys between nodes about open slots, in order
        to reshard, fix the cluster configuration, and so forth.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Lua debugger crash when printing too deeply nested objects.
        (Reported by Paul Kulchenko, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Redis-cli implementation of Lua debugging now allows to use the
        SCRIPT DEBUG command directly, switching to debugging mode as needed.
        (Reported by Paul Kulchenko, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Redis-trib is now able to fix more errors. A new CLUSTER subcommand
        called BUMPEPOCH was introduced in order to support new modes
        for the "fix" subcommand. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Redis proctected mode: this feature improves Redis security and makes
        harder to run Redis in a configuration that is unsecure because no
        firewalling was used in order to protect Redis from external accesses.
        See this Reddit post for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/redis/comments/3zv85m/new_security_feature_redis_protected_mode/ (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Cluster/Sentinel tests now use OSX leak to perform leak detection
        at the end of every unit. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Detect and show server crashes during Cluster/Sentinel tests.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] More reliable Cluster/Sentinel test becuase of timing errors and
        -LOADING errors. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)



--[ Redis 3.0.7 ] Release date: 25 jan 2016

Upgrade urgency MODERATE: this release fixes important Redis Cluster bugs.

* [FIX] Many fixes to MIGRATE multiple keys implementation. The command
        could handle errors in a faulty way leading to crashes or other
        unexpected behaviors. MIGRATE command refactoring.
        (The analysis of the faulty conditions was conducted by
         Kevin McGehee. The fix was developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] A Redis Cluster node crash was fixed because of wrong handling of
        node->slaveof pointers.
        (Reported by JackyWoo, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Fix redis-trib rebalance when nodes need to be left empty because
        the specified weight is zero.
        (Reported by Shahar Mor, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] MIGRATE: Never send -ASK redirections for MIGRATE when there are
        open slots. Redis-trib and other cluster management utility must
        always be free to move keys between nodes about open slots, in order
        to reshard, fix the cluster configuration, and so forth.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Lua debugger crash when printing too deeply nested objects.
        (Reported by Paul Kulchenko, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Redis-cli implementation of Lua debugging now allows to use the
        SCRIPT DEBUG command directly, switching to debugging mode as needed.
        (Reported by Paul Kulchenko, fixed by Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [FIX] Redis-trib is now able to fix more errors. A new CLUSTER subcommand
        called BUMPEPOCH was introduced in order to support new modes
        for the "fix" subcommand. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Redis proctected mode: this feature improves Redis security and makes
        harder to run Redis in a configuration that is unsecure because no
        firewalling was used in order to protect Redis from external accesses.
        See this Reddit post for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/redis/comments/3zv85m/new_security_feature_redis_protected_mode/ (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Cluster/Sentinel tests now use OSX leak to perform leak detection
        at the end of every unit. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] Detect and show server crashes during Cluster/Sentinel tests.
        (Salvatore Sanfilippo)
* [NEW] More reliable Cluster/Sentinel test becuase of timing errors and
        -LOADING errors. (Salvatore Sanfilippo)


历史版本 :
Redis 4.0.7 发布,高性能 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.4 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.2 和 3.2.11 发布,修复了隐藏的重要错误
Redis 3.2.10 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.1 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.1 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 4.0.0 正式发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
Redis 3.2.9 发布,高性能的 key-value 数据库
redis-replicator 2.1.2 发布,redis 数据同步工具
Redis 4.0 Rc3,超高性能 key-value 数据库
Redis 3.2.8 发布,修复重要 bug
Redis 3.2.7 发布,修复重要 bug
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