发布于 2015-12-23 03:29:21 | 110 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Foundation WEB前端UI框架

Foundation 是一个易用、强大而且灵活的框架,用于构建基于任何设备上的 Web 应用。提供多种 Web 上的 UI 组件,如表单、按钮、Tabs 等等。

Foundation 6.1 Hyperion 发布,主要更新如下:

Sass 设置变更

The following changes were made to _settings.scss. All new projects will get these changes automatically. If you're upgrading an existing project, you'll need to change these defaults or add the new variables yourself.

  • Added $dropdownmenu-arrow-color: $anchor-color

  • Added $accordionmenu-arrow-color: $anchor-color

  • Added $drilldown-arrow-color: $anchor-color

  • Changed $select-background: $white

  • Removed $rem-base


  • Responsive gutters! Grid gutters are now responsive. On small screens, the gutter is 24px. On the large breakpoint and up, the gutter is 30px.

  • Abide actually works! Our awesome community stepped up and helped us overhaul Abide, fixing many, many issues that shipped in 6.0. Thanks to @briantan888, @designerno1, @semikolon, @viniciusban, and others.

  • Equalizer is way faster! We significantly refactored Equalizer to improve performance when the window is resized and better handle nested uses of the plugin.

    • Along with this, a new plugin option was added, equalizeOn. Pass in the name of a breakpoint to have Equalizer kick in on that specific breakpoint or wider.

    • And one more thing! The option equalizeByRow allows you to equalize columns within a row, even as they wrap into separate lines.

  • Added mixins for flex grid row and column alignment.

    • flex-grid-row-align()

    • flex-grid-column-align()

  • Added mixins for tabs, so you can write your own class structure with our styles.

    • tabs-container()

    • tabs-container-vertical()

    • tabs-title()

    • tabs-content()

    • tabs-content-vertical()

    • tabs-panel()

  • The dist/ folder of the npm/Bower packages now include alternative compiled CSS file with the Flex Grid enabled, called foundation-flex.css and foundation-flex.min.css.

  • Added the settings file back to the npm/Bower packages. We removed it at first because we didn't want developers trying to edit and import it directly. However, we added it back after some developers told us that it's useful to be able to copy the file out of the package. We also need it there to get our Rails gem working.

  • Added a $gutter parameter to the grid-row() and flex-grid-row() mixins. In light of responsive gutters being added, when this parameter is null, the responsive gutter logic is used.

  • Added features to the flex grid borrowed from the float grid: .expanded class, offsets, and responsive collapsing.

  • The CSS for the flex grid was streamlined to use less @media blocks.

  • As clever as quantity queries are, it turns out display: table-cell does the job just as well. The CSS for expanded buttons and button groups is now much slimmer. #7326

  • Interchange will automatically initialize Foundation plugins inside of replaced HTML.

  • Added a .destroy() method to off-canvas.

Bug 修复

  • Many fixes for Abide:

    • Validation failing with <input type="number">

    • Form not submitting even when valid

    • The Abide.validateForm() method doesn't fire an event

    • Hidden inputs are validated

    • Empty <textarea> elements are always marked invalid

    • Custom patterns can't be passed

    • Required email and password fields always marked invalid

  • $dropdown-width is now properly applied to dropdown panes. #7353

  • Prevent dropdown menus being misaligned by one pixel because of the border. #7514

  • Fix incorrect styling for hollow button groups. #7571

  • Removed the padding-top property from flex video, which was cropping the video inside on the left and right.

  • A number of components had background properties changed to background-color, to make style overrides easier.

  • Fixed a specificity issue causing -centered and -uncentered to fight with each other.

  • $accordion-content-background is now properly applied to accordion content panes.

  • Use overflow-x: auto instead of overflow-y: scroll with scrolling tables to fix cross-browser issues.

  • Use $accordion-content-padding instead of $accordion-item-padding to accordion content panes. It just makes sense.

  • Fixed more issues with JavaScript plugins not initializing when the code was run through a mangler.


  • Removed hasvalue() in favor of has-value(), as announced in Foundation 6.0.4.

  • Removed v-align-center() in favor of vertical-center(), as announced in Foundation 6.0.4.

Hyperion was the seventh moon of Saturn to be discovered, and also the first non-spherical moon to be discovered. The guy who named it, William Lassell, actually discovered the moon two days after William Bond, another astronomer. However, Lassell published his discovery before Bond, so his name won out.




Foundation 是一个易用、强大而且灵活的框架,用于构建基于任何设备上的 Web 应用。提供多种 Web 上的 UI 组件,如表单、按钮、Tabs 等等。

历史版本 :
foundation-sites 6.4.3 发布,响应式前端框架
foundation-sites v6.4.2-rc1 发布,响应式前端框架
foundation-sites 6.4.1 发布,响应式前端框架
Foundation 6.4.0 发布,响应式前端框架
foundation-sites 6.4.0 rc5 发布,响应前端框架
foundation-sites 6.4.0 rc4 发布,响应前端框架
foundation-sites 6.4.0 rc2 发布,响应前端框架
Foundation 6.3.1 发布,Web 的 UI 框架
foundation-sites 6.3.0 rc3 发布,响应前端框架
Foundation v6.3.0-rc1 发布,Web 的 UI 框架
Foundation 6.2.4-rc2 发布,Web 的 UI 框架
Foundation v6.2.4-rc1 发布,Web 的 UI 框架
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