发布于 2015-10-01 01:58:36 | 210 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



Python 是一种面向对象、解释型计算机程序设计语言,由Guido van Rossum于1989年底发明,第一个公开发行版发行于1991年。Python语法简洁而清晰,具有丰富和强大的类库。它常被昵称为胶水语言,它能够把用其他语言制作的各种模块(尤其是C/C++)很轻松地联结在一起。


本文实例讲述了python zip和unzip数据的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体实现方法如下:

# zipping and unzipping a string using the zlib module
# a very large string could be zipped and saved to a file speeding up file writing time 
# and later reloaded and unzipped by another program speeding up reading of the file
# tested with Python24   vegaseat   15aug2005
import zlib
str1 = 
"""Dallas Cowboys football practice at Valley Ranch was delayed on Wednesday 
for nearly two hours. One of the players, while on his way to the locker
room happened to look down and notice a suspicious looking, unknown white
powdery substance on the practice field.
The coaching staff immediately suspended practice while the FBI was
called in to investigate. After a complete field analysis, the FBI
determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the goal
Practice was resumed when FBI Special Agents decided that the team would not
be likely to encounter the substance again.
print '-'*70 # 70 dashes for the fun of it
print str1
print '-'*70
crc_check1 = zlib.crc32(str1)
print "crc before zip=", crc_check1
print "Length of original str1 =", len(str1)
# zip compress the string
zstr1 = zlib.compress(str1)
print "Length of zipped str1 =", len(zstr1)
filename = 'Dallas.zap'
# write the zipped string to a file
fout = open(filename, 'w')
  print >> fout, zstr1
except IOError:
  print "Failed to open file..."
  print "done writing", filename
# read the zip file back
fin = open(filename, 'r')
  zstr2 = fin.read()
except IOError:
  print "Failed to open file..."
  print "done reading", filename
# unzip the zipped string from the file
str2 = zlib.decompress(zstr2)
print '-'*70
print str2
print '-'*70
crc_check2 = zlib.crc32(str2)
print "crc after unzip =", crc_check2, "(check sums should match)"

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