发布于 2015-09-25 10:01:36 | 221 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache Log4j log记录软件

Log4j是Apache的一个开放源代码项目,通过使用Log4j,我们可以控制日志信息输送的目的地是控制台、文件、GUI组件,甚至是套接口服务器、NT的事件记录器、UNIX Syslog守护进程等;我们也可以控制每一条日志的输出格式;通过定义每一条日志信息的级别,我们能够更加细致地控制日志的生成过程。最令人感兴趣的就是,这些可以通过一个配置文件来灵活地进行配置,而不需要修改应用的代码。

Log4j 2.4 发布,这是第 8 个 GA 版本,包括一些 bug 修复和新特性。此版本最低要求 Java 7。


o LOG4J2-635:  Add support for configuration via Properties.
o LOG4J2-952:  Add ConfigurationBuilder.
o LOG4J2-599:  Added support for Java 8 lambda expressions to lazily construct a log message
only if the requested log level is enabled.
o LOG4J2-1118:  Updated Logger wrapper generator tool to add Java 8 lambda support for custom
log levels.
o LOG4J2-1107:  New Appender for Apache Kafka. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal.
o LOG4J2-1113:  New publisher Appender for ZeroMQ (using JeroMQ). Thanks to Gary Gregory.

o LOG4J2-1088:  Add Comma Separated Value (CSV) layouts for parameter and event logging. Thanks
to Gary Gregory.
o LOG4J2-1090:  Add Core Configurator APIs to change a logger's level.
o LOG4J2-1105:  Add API org.apache.logging.log4j.Level.isInRange(Level, Level). Thanks to
Gary Gregory.
o LOG4J2-1106:  Add a LevelRangeFilter class. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o LOG4J2-1076:  Added support for system nanosecond time in pattern layout.
o LOG4J2-1075:  Added support for compressing to bzip2 format on file rollover.
o LOG4J2-1077:  Support additional Apache Commons Compress compression formats on rollover:
Deflate, Pack200, XY.
o LOG4J2-767:  New module for Liquibase integration. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal.
o LOG4J2-1023:  New RewritePolicy for changing level of a log event. Thanks to Mikael Ståldal.

o LOG4J2-1015:  Add a way to route messages based on the %marker in Layout for RoutingAppender.
Thanks to Daniel Marcotte.
o LOG4J2-1050:  Add a Log4jLookup class to help write log files relative to log4j2.xml. Thanks
to Adam Retter.
o LOG4J2-1057:  Add API org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getFormatterLogger().
o LOG4J2-1066:  Expose Log4jContextFactory's ShutdownCallbackRegistry. Thanks to Charles Allen.

Bug 修复
o LOG4J2-1121:  Fixed potential race condition on reconfiguration. Introduced ReliabilityStrategy
to facilitate switching between different mechanisms for preventing log events from being dropped
on reconfiguration.
o LOG4J2-1123:  Core Configurator.initialize(String, ClassLoader, String) fails to work when
config location is a file path. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o LOG4J2-1117:  OutputStreamManager in ConsoleAppender leaking managers. Thanks to Marcus
o LOG4J2-1044:  Write pending events to Flume when the appender is stopped.
o LOG4J2-1108:  NullPointerException when passing null to java.util.logging.Logger.setLevel().
Thanks to Mikael Ståldal.
o LOG4J2-1110:  org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.CoreLogger.setLevel() checks for security permission
too late.
o LOG4J2-1084:  Misleading StatusLogger WARN event in LogManager with java.util.Map. Thanks
to Philipp Schneider.
o LOG4J2-1051:  NoClassDefFoundError when starting app on Google App Engine. Thanks to Lukasz
o LOG4J2-684:  ExtendedThrowablePatternConverter does not print suppressed exceptions. Thanks
to Joern Huxhorn, Mauro Molinari.
o LOG4J2-1069:  Improper handling of JSON escape chars when deserializing JSON log events.
Thanks to Sam Braam.
o LOG4J2-1068:  Exceptions not logged when using TcpSocketServer + SerializedLayout. Thanks
to Andy McMullan.
o LOG4J2-1067:  ThrowableProxy getExtendedStackTraceAsString throws NPE on deserialized nested
exceptions. Thanks to Sam Braam.
o LOG4J2-1049:  AsyncAppender now resets the thread interrupted flag after catching InterruptedException.
Thanks to Robert Schaft.
o LOG4J2-1048:  FileConfigurationMonitor unnecessarily calls System.currentTimeMillis() causing
high CPU usage. Thanks to Nikhil.
o LOG4J2-1037:  Backward compatibility issue in log4j-1.2-api NDC pop() and peek(). Thanks
to Marc Dergacz.
o LOG4J2-1025:  Custom java.util.logging.Level gives null Log4j Level and causes NPE. Thanks
to Mikael Ståldal.
o LOG4J2-1033:  SimpleLogger creates unnecessary Map objects by calling ThreadContext.getContext()
instead of getImmutableContext(). Thanks to Mikael Ståldal.
o LOG4J2-1026:  HighlightConverter does not obey noConsoleNoAnsi.
o LOG4J2-1019:  ZipCompressAction leaves files open until GC when an IO error takes place.

o LOG4J2-1020:  GzCompressAction leaves files open until GC when an IO error takes place.

o LOG4J2-1038:  Incorrect documentation for layout default charset. Thanks to Gili.
o LOG4J2-1042:  Socket and Syslog appenders don't take timeout into account at startup. Thanks
to Guillaume Turri.
o LOG4J2-934:  Circular suppressed Exception throws StackOverflowError. Thanks to Kenneth
o LOG4J2-1046:  Circular Exception cause throws StackOverflowError. Thanks to Kenneth Gendron.

o LOG4J2-982:  Use System.nanoTime() to measure time intervals. Thanks to Mikhail Mazurskiy.

o LOG4J2-1045:  Externalize log4j2.xml via URL resource. Thanks to Günter Albrecht.
o LOG4J2-1058:  Log4jMarker#contains(String) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract. Thanks
to Daniel Branzea.
o LOG4J2-1060:  Log4jMarker#contains(Marker) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract.
o LOG4J2-1061:  Log4jMarker#remove(Marker) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract.
o LOG4J2-1062:  Log4jMarker#add(Marker) does not respect org.slf4j.Marker contract.
o LOG4J2-1064:  org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jMarker does not implement org.slf4j.Marker.equals(Object)
o LOG4J2-889:  Header in layout should not be written on application startup if appending
to an existing file. Fixes LOG4J2-1030. Thanks to Maciej Karaś, Kenneth Leider.
o LOG4J2-918:  Clarify documentation for combining async with sync loggers.
o LOG4J2-1078:  GelfLayout throws exception if some log event fields are null. Thanks to Mikael

o LOG4J2-1017:  Update Java platform from Java 6 to 7. From this version onwards, log4j 2
requires Java 7.
o LOG4J2-812:  PatternLayout timestamp formatting performance improvement: replaced synchronized
SimpleDateFormat with Apache Commons FastDateFormat. This and better caching resulted in a ~3-30X faster
timestamp formatting.
o LOG4J2-1097:  PatternLayout timestamp formatting performance improvement: predefined date
formats (and variants using a period '.' millisecond separator instead of ',') are now formatted ~2-10X faster
than other date formats.
o LOG4J2-1096:  Improved performance of ParameterizedMessage::getFormattedMessage by ~2X.

o LOG4J2-1120:  LoggerConfig performance improvements: avoid unnecessary lock acquisition,
use more efficient data structure.
o LOG4J2-1125:  PatternLayout performance improvement by caching and reusing a ThreadLocal
o LOG4J2-1114:  Add thread name to status logger layout.
o LOG4J2-1010:  Pass log event when interpolating logger properties.
o LOG4J2-1044:  Support batchSize in FlumeAvroManager.
o LOG4J2-1065:  Define org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker.equals(Object) and org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker.hashCode().

o LOG4J2-1063:  Avoid creating temporary array object in org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jMarker.iterator().

o LOG4J2-890:  log4j-web-2.1 should workaround a bug in JBOSS EAP 6.2. Thanks to Hassan Kalaldeh,
Robert Andersson, Remko Popma.
o LOG4J2-403:  MongoDB appender, username and password should be optional. Thanks to Poorna
Subhash P, Jeremy Lautman.
o LOG4J2-1035:  Log4j2 tries to SystemClassLoader when running on Google AppEngine.
o LOG4J2-1022:  Allow a list of keys to be specified in the MDC pattern converter.
o LOG4J2-959:  Fix FindBugs DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING bug in SimpleLogger.logMessage() and simplify
o LOG4J2-1036:  Update Apache Flume from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0.
o LOG4J2-1041:  Update MongoDB driver from 2.11.2 to 2.13.2.
o LOG4J2-1018:  Update database tests from H2 1.3.175 to 1.3.176.
o LOG4J2-1070:  Update Java Mail from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4.
o LOG4J2-1079:  Update Jackson from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4.
o LOG4J2-1879:  Update Jackson from 2.5.4 to 2.6.0.
o LOG4J2-1092:  Update Jackson from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1.
o LOG4J2-1104:  Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.9 to 1.10.

o Removed experimental interface LevelLogger which got committed to master by mistake. 


Log4j是Apache的一个开放源代码项目,通过使用Log4j,我们可以控制日志信息输送的目的地是控制台、文件、GUI组件,甚至是套接口服务器、NT的事件记录器、UNIX Syslog守护进程等;我们也可以控制每一条日志的输出格式;通过定义每一条日志信息的级别,我们能够更加细致地控制日志的生成过程。最令人感兴趣的就是,这些可以通过一个配置文件来灵活地进行配置,而不需要修改应用的代码。

历史版本 :
Apache Log4j 2.10.0 正式发布,包含大量更新
Apache Log4j 2.9.1 发布,Java 日志组件
LOG4J 2.9.0 发布,Java 日志组件
Apache Log4j 2.8.2 发布,Java 日志组件 
Log4j 2.8.2 发布,Java 日志组件
Log4j 2.8.1 发布,Java 日志组件
Log4j 2.8 发布,Java 日志组件
LOG4J 2.7 发布,Java 日志组件
Apache Log4j 2.6.2 发布,Java 日志组件
Log4j 2.6 发布,Java 日志组件
Log4j 2.5 发布,Java 日志组件
Apache Log4j 2.4.1 发布,Java 日志组件
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