发布于 2015-05-28 05:18:04 | 224 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Samba 可以让win和unix共享文件的东东

Samba,是种自由软件,用来让UNIX系列的操作系统与微软Windows操作系统的 SMB/CIFS(Server Message Block/Common Internet File System)网络协定做连结。在目前的版本(v3),不仅可存取及分享SMB的资料夹及打印机,本身还可以整合入Windows Server的网域、扮演为网域控制站(Domain Controller)以及加入Active Directory成员。简而言之,此软件在Windows与UNIX系列OS之间搭起一座桥梁,让两者的资源可互通有无。

Samba 4.2.2 发布,该版本是目前最新稳定版本,现已提供下载


o   Michael Adam <obnox@samba.org>
    * BUG 11182: s3:smbXsrv: refactor duplicate code into
    * BUG 11260: gencache: don't fail gencache_stabilize if there were records
      to delete.

o   Jeremy Allison <jra@samba.org>
    * BUG 11186: s3: libsmbclient: After getting attribute server, ensure main
      srv pointer is still valid.
    * BUG 11236: s4: rpc: Refactor dcesrv_alter() function into setup and send
    * BUG 11240: s3: smbd: Incorrect file size returned in the response of
      "FILE_SUPERSEDE Create".
    * BUG 11249: Mangled names do not work with acl_xattr.
    * BUG 11254: nmbd rewrites browse.dat when not required.

o   Ralph Boehme <slow@samba.org>
    * BUG 11213: vfs_fruit: add option "nfs_aces" that controls the NFS ACEs
    * BUG 11224: s3:smbd: Add missing tevent_req_nterror.
    * BUG 11243: vfs: kernel_flock and named streams.
    * BUG 11244: vfs_gpfs: Error code path doesn't call END_PROFILE.

o   Alexander Bokovoy <ab@samba.org>
    * BUG 11284: s4: libcli/finddcs_cldap: continue processing CLDAP until all
      addresses are used.

o   David Disseldorp <ddiss@samba.org>
    * BUG 11201: ctdb: check for talloc_asprintf() failure.:w
    * BUG 11210: spoolss: purge the printer name cache on name change.

o   Amitay Isaacs <amitay@gmail.com>
    * BUG 11204: CTDB statd-callout does not scale.

o   Björn Jacke <bj@sernet.de>
    * BUG 11221: vfs_fruit: also map characters below 0x20.

o   Rajesh Joseph <rjoseph@redhat.com>
    * BUG 11201: ctdb: Coverity fix for CID 1291643.

o   Julien Kerihuel <j.kerihuel@openchange.org>
    * BUG 11225: Multiplexed RPC connections are not handled by DCERPC server.
    * BUG 11226: Fix terminate connection behavior for asynchronous endpoint
      with PUSH notification flavors.

o   Led <ledest@gmail.com>
    * BUG 11007: ctdb-scripts: Fix bashism in ctdbd_wrapper script.

o   Volker Lendecke <vl@samba.org>
    * BUG 11201: ctdb: Fix CIDs 1125615, 1125634, 1125613, 1288201 and 1125553.
    * BUG 11257: SMB2 should cancel pending NOTIFY calls with DELETE_PENDING if
      the directory is deleted.

o   Stefan Metzmacher <metze@samba.org>
    * BUG 11141: s3:winbindd: make sure we remove pending io requests before
      closing client sockets.
    * BUG 11182: Fix panic triggered by smbd_smb2_request_notify_done() ->
      smbXsrv_session_find_channel() in smbd.

o   Christof Schmitt <cs@samba.org>
    * BUG 11237: 'sharesec' output no longer matches input format.

o   Andreas Schneider <asn@samba.org>
    * BUG 11200: waf: Fix systemd detection.

o   Martin Schwenke <martin@meltin.net>
    * BUG 11202: CTDB: Fix portability issues.
    * BUG 11203: CTDB: Fix some IPv6-related issues.
    * BUG 11204: CTDB statd-callout does not scale.

o   Richard Sharpe <rsharpe@nutanix.com>
    * BUG 11234: 'net ads dns gethostbyname' crashes with an error in TALLOC_FREE
      if you enter invalid values.

o   Uri Simchoni <urisimchoni@gmail.com>
    * BUG 11267: libads: record service ticket endtime for sealed ldap

o   Lukas Slebodnik <lslebodn@redhat.com>
    * BUG 11033: lib/util: Include DEBUG macro in internal header files before

Samba,是种自由软件,用来让UNIX系列的操作系统与微软Windows操作系统的SMB/CIFS(Server Message Block/Common Internet File System)网络协定做连结。在目前的版本(v3),不仅可存取及分享SMB的资料夹及打印机,本身还可以整合入Windows Server的网域、扮演为网域控制站(Domain Controller)以及加入Active Directory成员。简而言之,此软件在Windows与UNIX系列OS之间搭起一座桥梁,让两者的资源可互通有无。

Samba是许多服务以及协议的实现,其包括TCP/IP上的NetBIOS(NBT)、SMB、CIFS (SMB的增强版本)、 DCE/RPC或者更具体来说MSRPC(网 络邻居协议套件)、一种 WINS服 务器(也被称作NetBIOS Name Server(NBNS))、NT 域协议套件(包括NT Domain Logons、Secure Accounts Manager(SAM)数据库、Local Security Authority(LSA)服务、NT-style打印服务(SPOOLSS)、NTLM以及近来出现的包括一种改进的Kerberos协议与改进的轻型目录访问协议(LDAP)在内的Active Directory Logon服务)。以上这些服务以及协议经常被错误地归类为NetBIOS或者SMB。Samba也能够用于共享打印机。


历史版本 :
Samba 4.7.4 发布,最新稳定版
Samba 4.7.0 发布,4.7 系列首个稳定版
Samba 4.6.8 发布,安全修复版本
Samba 4.6.0 发布,最新稳定版
Samba 4.5.4 发布,最新稳定版
Samba 4.5.3 版本发布,主要 bug 修复
Samba 4.4.7 和 4.5.1 版本发布,修复 BUG
Samba 4.4 正式版发布,支持异步刷新请求和SMB3多通道
Samba 4.4 rc1 发布
Samba 4.3.2 发布,最新稳定版本
Samba 4.3 发布,最新稳定版本
Samba 4.2.3 发布,最新稳定版本
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