发布于 2015-04-21 07:08:36 | 213 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Firefox 浏览器

firefox 即 火狐浏览器 。Mozilla Firefox,中文名通常称为“火狐”或“火狐浏览器”,是一个开源网页浏览器,使用Gecko引擎(非ie内核),支持多种操作系统如Windows、Mac和linux。Firefox由Mozilla基金会与社区数百个志愿者以GPL/LGPL/MPL三种授权方式发布

Mozilla Firefox 38.0 Beta 6 今日发布,该版本将在今年5月份正式发布。除了继续优化对64位的支持外,最大的改进是原生支持Ruby字符Ruby字符与Ruby语言无关,而是注音标示,是一种表意文字的音标印刷方式,广泛地运用于日文及中文,rubi是日本印刷业的用语。以前 Firefox浏览器支持注音标示需要安装扩展如HTML Ruby,如今Firefox 38默认启用了CSS Ruby,同时还引入了HTML5 ruby标签支持。



Developer Tools


All devtools bugs fixed between Firefox 37 and Firefox 38.



  • Label element doesn't dispatch event to label target element if interactive content is found between the event target and the label (bug 229925).

  • The <picture> element has been activated by default (bug 1017875).




No change.


No change.


No change.


No change.


  • In Firefox, the autocomplete=false attribute is now ignored when dealing with a login form (bug 1025703).

  • RC4 is now disabled when using TLS, except for a few Web sites on a whitelist. This whitelist is an interim measure while the Web sites are fixed (bug 1124039).

  • Web sites needing to fallback to an insecure version of TLS to work are now in a hardcoded whitelist, that will shrink with time (bug 1114816). The whitelist can be disabled by setting security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts.use_static_list to false.

Changes for add-on and Mozilla developersAdd-on SDKHighlights

  • sdk/context-menu@2 was implemented (bug 1070952).

  • sdk/addon/bootstrap was implemented (bug 1075541).

  • sdk/windows/loader was removed (bug 970135).

  • Fix for default language detection on Linux (bug 1114712).

  • toolkit/loader now has opt-in module compatibility checking, which is enabled for all jpm add-ons (bug 1037235).

E10S Updates



No change.

JavaScript code modulesDownloads.jsm

  • DownloadTarget objects now have exists and size properties, allowing you to determine the existence of and the size of the download's target file on disk, as well as a new refresh() method, which asks that these values be updated.


历史版本 :
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 现可下载:速度进一步提升
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 稳定版将于 1 月 23 日上线
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 Beta 16 (Quantum) 发布
Mozilla Firefox 57.0.4 发布,修复重大漏洞
Firefox 57.0.4 发布,修复 Meltdown 和 Spectre 漏洞
Firefox 57.0.3 发布,bug 修复版本
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 Beta 13 (Quantum) 发布
Mozilla Firefox 58.0 Beta 12 发布,支持 WebVR
Firefox 57.0.2 发布,修复了 bug 问题
Firefox 更新到 57.0.1,修复了 bug 和安全性问题
Firefox 57 正式版开放下载,更美观更流畅
Mozilla 最好正式版 Firefox 57 即将来袭!新特性一览
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