发布于 2014-10-14 06:58:59 | 251 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



Python 是一种面向对象、解释型计算机程序设计语言,由Guido van Rossum于1989年底发明,第一个公开发行版发行于1991年。Python语法简洁而清晰,具有丰富和强大的类库。它常被昵称为胶水语言,它能够把用其他语言制作的各种模块(尤其是C/C++)很轻松地联结在一起。


#!/usr/bin/env python
# Filename: backup_ver1.py


import os
import time

# 1. The files and directories to be backed up are specified in a list.
# If you are using Windows, use source=[r'C:Documents',r'D:Work'] or something like that

# 2. The backup must be stored in a main backup directory
#target_dir='/mnt/e/backup/' #Remember to change this to what you will be using
target_dir='E:\temp\' #Remember to change this to what you will be using

# 3. The files are backed up into a zip file
# 4. The name of the zip archive is the current date and time

# 5. We use the zip command (in Unix/Linux) to put the files in a zip archive
#zip_command="zip -qr '%s' %s" %(target,' '.join(source))
zip_command="rar a " + target + ' '.join(source)
# Run the backup
if os.system(zip_command)==0:
 print 'Successful backup to',target
 print 'Backup FAILED'


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