发布于 2014-09-19 23:53:27 | 260 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache PDFBox Java类库


Apache PDFBox 1.8.7 发布了,主要是 bug 修复,包括:


[PDFBOX-91] - Problem with Form TextField and option "COMB"
[PDFBOX-710] - XMPSchema.java:392 and XMPSchema.java:570 Possible null pointer
                dereference of bagElement
[PDFBOX-1268] - OutOfMemory Error because of huge colors
[PDFBOX-1511] - pdfMerger App produces Garbage
[PDFBOX-1533] - When merging certain PDF's several odd looking empty pages occur
                 in the result
[PDFBOX-1872] - PDMetadata.exportXMPMetadata fails when Metadata has encrypted 
[PDFBOX-1875] - Image and some text missing in rendered file
[PDFBOX-1940] - Faulty pdf->image rendering
[PDFBOX-2020] - PDF/A Validation raises NullPointerException for PDFs without
[PDFBOX-2141] - Shading not applied to text
[PDFBOX-2153] - Setting the correct clipping path for shading
[PDFBOX-2154] - NPE while rendering files with type3 fonts
[PDFBOX-2156] - different shading patterns at different resolutions when ctm is null
[PDFBOX-2160] - PDFTextStripper doesn't always write paragraph start
[PDFBOX-2163] - inline image with EI in the middle incorrectly parsed
[PDFBOX-2166] - AIOOBE with barcode ttf font
[PDFBOX-2183] - COSArray cannot be cast to COSNumber
[PDFBOX-2185] - Rotation and skew not applied on rectangles
[PDFBOX-2186] - java.io.IOException: Catalog cannot be found
[PDFBOX-2187] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in TIFFFaxDecoder
[PDFBOX-2194] - Refactor predictor
[PDFBOX-2198] - ClassCastException in COSArrayList.convertIntegerCOSArrayToList for
                 font widths
[PDFBOX-2201] - getKeywords returns null although keywords are present
[PDFBOX-2207] - Stream parsing still incorrect if length value is wrong
[PDFBOX-2212] - OutOfMemoryError in GlyfCompositeDescrip
[PDFBOX-2218] - PDFCheckbox NPE
[PDFBOX-2222] - NPE in PDFStreamEngine
[PDFBOX-2225] - ClassCastException in PDFMergerUtility.appendDocument
[PDFBOX-2228] - LZW EarlyChange parameter isn't supported
[PDFBOX-2234] - [PATCH] Invalid Color space preflight error on Java 8
[PDFBOX-2237] - java.io.IOException: Image stream is empty for inline image
[PDFBOX-2243] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: negative dash phase
[PDFBOX-2247] - Regression in text extraction between 1.8.5 and 1.8.6
[PDFBOX-2249] - Listbox controls render incorrectly in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader
[PDFBOX-2251] - NoSuchElementException when reading cmap format 4 subtable
[PDFBOX-2257] - BufferedInputStream wrapped in BufferedInputStream
[PDFBOX-2267] - IOException and partial rendering and colorspace creation error
[PDFBOX-2270] - PDField.getFullyQualifiedName() returns name adding suffix '.null'
[PDFBOX-2285] - debugLogMetadata doesn't log
[PDFBOX-2291] - Differences in Overlay stamping between version 1.8.2 and 1.8.6
[PDFBOX-2292] - Saving of decrypted version of password protected document gives 
an error
[PDFBOX-2330] - Typo on usage message; "PDFDBox" instead of "PDFBox"
[PDFBOX-2344] - NegativeArraySizeException in radial shading
[PDFBOX-2345] - IndexOutOfBoundsException reading encrypted pdf
[PDFBOX-2347] - NPE while creating security handler for decryption


[PDFBOX-1055] - XMPMetadata.getSchemasByNamespaceURI() implementation inefficient
[PDFBOX-1915] - Implement shading with Coons and tensor-product patch meshes
[PDFBOX-2151] - Replace log4j with commons logging
[PDFBOX-2211] - Create sample code for creating a PDF with shading
[PDFBOX-2236] - Useless dependency in specific usage
[PDFBOX-2239] - Add missing values to PDComplexFileSpecification
[PDFBOX-2314] - Restore backward compatibility between Overlay and OverlayPDF

历史版本 :
Apache PDFBox 2.0.8 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类库
PDFBox 2.0.7 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类库
PDFBox 2.0.6 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类库
Apache PDFBox 2.0.5 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类库
Apache PDFBox 2.0.4,Java 的 PDF 处理类库
Apache PDFBox 2.0.3 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类库
Apache PDFBox 1.8.12 发布
Apache PDFBox 2.0.1 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类库
Apache PDFBox 1.8.11 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类
Apache PDFBox 2.0.0 RC3 发布
Apache PDFBox 2.0.0 RC1 发布
Apache PDFBox 1.8.10 发布,Java 的 PDF 处理类
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