发布于 2014-08-01 06:53:26 | 200 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Spring XD

Spring XD是一个统一的,分布式,可扩展的系统用于 data ingestion,实时分析,批量处理和数据导出。该项目的目标是简化大数据应用的开发。

Spring XD 团队很高兴的宣布 Spring XD 的 1.0 GA 版本发布了,可通过这里 下载. 你也可以在 Mac 下使用 homebrew 以及在 RHEL/CentOs 使用 yum 进行安装.主要改进:


·         [XD-198] - Documentation for developing streams in the IDE needs to mention including scripts dir to project classpath

·         [XD-293] - Ensure package-info.java is present for each package

·         [XD-1334] - Ensure XD Samples share common version dependencies

·         [XD-1476] - Update document for the distributed runtime based on RC1 changes

·         [XD-1652] - Fix intermittent test failures at StreamDeploymentIntegrationTests

·         [XD-1825] - Remove all javadoc warnings

·         [XD-1827] - Modules utilizing Jdbc Data Source need to offer connection pool configurations externally.

·         [XD-1828] - Update TwitterSearchTest to use #katyperry

·         [XD-1837] - Resolve compile warnings

·         [XD-1916] - Batch jobs using Spring Batch MongoDB support require adding MongoDB dependencies to the shared libs folder

·         [XD-1918] - Update TypeConversion Page

·         [XD-1920] - Update https://github.com/spring-guides/gs-spring-xd/ for new Release

·         [XD-1930] - JDK 1.8 compile warning for ContainerConfiguration

·         [XD-1934] - Update Spring Integration Splunk Extension to 1.1 GA

·         [XD-1943] - Update to Spring Batch Admin 1.3.0.GA

·         [XD-1993] - Update rpm and brew recipes

·         [XD-2006] - Logging improvements

·         [XD-2017] - Spring XD should log the address of the admin UI

·         [XD-2023] - Update to Spring Hadoop 2.0.2

·         [XD-2025] - Update spring-xd-yarn configuration options

Spring XD 是一个统一的,分布式,可扩展的系统用于数据摄取,实时分析,批量处理和数据导出。该项目的目标是简化大数据应用的开发。


历史版本 :
Spring XD 1.3 GA / Flo for 1.0 GA 发布
Spring XD 1.3 RC1 发布
Spring XD 1.3 M1 发布
Spring XD 1.2.1 发布
Spring XD 1.2 GA/1.1.3 发布,
Spring XD 1.2 RC1 发布
Spring XD 1.2 M1/1.1.2 发布
Spring XD 1.1.1 发布,提升 Kafka 总线性能
Spring XD 1.1 GA 和 1.0.4 发布
Spring XD 1.1 RC1 发布
Spring XD 1.1 M2 和 1.0.3 发布
Spring XD 1.1 M1/1.0.2 发布
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